Great costuming

Just an observation:
The wardrobes various cast members wore in this movie were amazing, with everyone going through multiple changes of clothing, most being uniquely showy. Not just the performance outfits, but off the ice, as--when they went out for sno-cones, Chaz at the sex-addict meeting, Darren MacElroy, the Van Waldenbergs, especially Stranz Van Waldenberg just laying around home, and Katie Van Waldenberg's seductive bodice thing. And there were mounties and mascots and woodland fantasy characters, and the little-jimmy's varied skating and "scientific" attire,

And finally, the performance outfits for all were out-of-this-world.

This movie was a costume person's dream assignment.


The movie is a ridiculous comedy, so it's hard to really sit back and praise it on some kind of technical merit. But you DO have a point. The costumes were hilarious and very appropriate.

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