MovieChat Forums > Extras (2005) Discussion > The Kate Winslet episode is sort of iron...

The Kate Winslet episode is sort of ironic now

The Kate Winslet episode is sort of ironic now that she is in The Reader and it's the big Oscar baiting holocaust movie this year. Since the episode she was in satirized actors who make holocaust movies just to get Oscars.


Thats what I thought too!


Thanks, I thought I was the only one who thought this. It will be a real scream if she stars in a movie next as someone with mental retardation or cerebral palsy. Of course, after Tropic Thunder it will be hard for actors to play a retarded character.


Even bigger irony: Winslet has just won a Golden Globe for The Reader - imagine what happens if she wins the Oscar too.

How you doin'?
-Joey Tribbiani


I thought this too but not many people have seemed to pick up on it!


Well if she does win the Oscar for it it will make the episode that much funnier.



Update on the Winslet situation: she's received a Best Actress nomination for The Reader, nothing for Revolutionary Road. Her episode is already starting to get funnier...

How you doin'?
-Joey Tribbiani


I hope she wins just to make this episode funnier. And if she does win, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant really are geniuses.


Well, even if she doesn't, we'll always have the glorious moment when Ricky Gervais showed up on the Golden Globes stage and said: "Well done, Winslet! I told you: do a Holocaust movie and the awards start coming!". Brilliant.

How you doin'?
-Joey Tribbiani


It'll be complete if next she stars in a movie where she plays someone with cerebral palsy.


Yeah, possibly with someone from Tropic Thunder as her co-star (because of the "Never go full retard" speech).

How you doin'?
-Joey Tribbiani


No, she plays a woman with cerebral palsy who wants to dance with the New York Ballet, here comes Oscar gold. You know if Winslet wins for The Reader(which is a soulless piece of Oscar bait made simply to win awards) her speech from the episode where she says, "You do a holocaust movie, you're guaranteed an Oscar" is going to be posted on every entertainment news web site and blog. My God, Gervais and Merchant really are geniuses.


If she wins, the next thing they should do is greenlight Patrick Stewart's excuse for gratuitous nudity...

How you doin'?
-Joey Tribbiani


Hollywood doesn't need another excuse for gratuitous nudity.


...another excuse for gratuitous nudity is always welcome.


Plus, it's "written" by Patrick Stewart! Anyway, getting back to the original subject, in case Winslet doesn't win (Oscars aren't an exact science, after all), the next thing she should do to be "guaranteed" an award is to play a mental - in WWII Germany! That way she'll definitely win...

How you doin'?
-Joey Tribbiani


kate winslet's "extras" episode was one of the funniest moments of that show's season.
i haven't seen "the reader," but i did see "revolutionary road," and she deserves some kind of award for her performance in that picture.
i also just recently saw "holy smoke" again and, even though that film gets bad reviews, i love her in it. i also like the fact that she's never had a problem with tastefully done frontal nudity (as in "hideous kinky"), either ;-)

gregory 21209.



Well she won for the Reader, I guess this makes the Winslet episode funnier. And kind of lame how easy it is to predict how easily the academy is to predict.


Yeah, just rewatched that episode a couple of days ago and it's hilarious. She should have made a reference to it in her acceptance speech. Haha.


The original poster: I remember pointing this out as soon as Winslet was cast in the Reader - I just knew she'd win an Oscar for it! So funny...

What the hell's wrong with expressing yourself?


I'm just glad the academy proved the cliche, do a holocaust film, get an Oscar true.


If Gervais really is planning to do another special episode, he could work the joke into the script, like Andy runs into Winslet and says: "By the way, congratulations for winning the Oscar!". That would be funny...

How you doin'?
-Joey Tribbiani


Gervais did go on the Golden Globes and say on stage, I told you Winslet do a holocaust film and the awards start pouring in.


True, but since the Extras joke was Oscar-centric, something more could be done about it. Shame she didn't mention the irony in her acceptance speech...

How you doin'?
-Joey Tribbiani


"Shame she didn't mention the irony in her acceptance speech..."

I saw footage of her post-award backstage interview, and a reporter mentioned "Extras.", which seemed to cause a sudden flash of "Oh my god, that's right." in Winslet. I think in the moment on stage she had other things on her mind.

Do not taunt happy fun ball!


I just hope next she plays someone with cerebral palsy.



Exactly! I made a thread about this at the Reader board.I didn't know there was already one existed.

Go Kate ! She should do comedy more.Brilliant and versatile actress.I have a question.Had she already sign for The Reader when she made Extras ? Just curious.


Especially when she was competing for the Oscar with Meryl Streep's nun. Even more hilarious.





Just saw the rerun episode on one of the UK cable channels - topped and tailed with cast interviews. Gervais: "I'm not exactly saying it's my Oscar, but...."

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.




And she won!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
