
Irritated the hell out of me with her selectively retarded behaviour. Her character was just too inconsistent. One minute she would be talking rationally, the next she would come out with something ridiculous (which was usually followed by her pulling that stupid face)

Someone THAT stupid would not even be able to get out of bed in the morning.

IMO she brought nothing to the show.


I agree. She was sorta tolerable in the first series, but in the second series she was became absolutely intolerable and annoying.

Are there any message boards that don't have a post by Premmie?


I absolutely AGREE! God, I can't stand her. No way in hell she could function in life with that stupidity.


As a friend, she's a nightmare. You could never tell her anything, or take her anywhere.



I don't think she's selectively stupid. I think she's borderline mentally retarded like Forrest Gump. When is she ever anything but completely oblivious? She doesn't understand that you can't tell the mean things your friend says about someone behind their back to the person in question (happens multiple times). She's so stupid that she can't handle that a person she's attracted to is of a different race than her. She has no conversational skills, she always puts forward the scenario's of "What would you choose between bad thing A and bad thing B" that kids in the ages 7-12 often do.

I can go on since this character is annoying in season 1, ever so annoying in season 2 and in the series finale she's one of the worst characters I have ever seen on TV or film.


Well i thought she was awesome. Loved her. Ditzy, stupid, but totally good at heart.
Loved her, especially when she was paired with ricky. She was a little annoying on her own.
I think you guys mossed the point of the character.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing"


She single-handedly ruins the show for me. Her behaviour is retarded at best and deliberately bitter and jealous of Andy's success at worst (she always seems to open her mouth at the perfect time to screw something up for him despite acting rationally before).

When the finale asked me to feel sorry for her because she was working as a cleaner, playing the opening bars of This Woman's Work OVER and OVER and OVER again, I just thought "cleaning is exactly where she should be, why am I meant to feel sorry for her for not being an actor when she has no talent?".

Weird message.


Couldn't feel sorry for her, either.


Yes she s too stupid to be likeable


In season 1 I thought Maggie was playing stupid. I thought she was supposed to be like all the other actor wannabes, faking friendship with Andy and others to see if she can get roles, and appearing to "unintentionally" humiliate him at given times to bring him down and give herself a chance to look good and progress.

By season 2 I realised she is just stupid.

I would have preferred it if Maggie had emerged to be a smart vindictive woman just choosing to playing dumb.
