MovieChat Forums > Extras (2005) Discussion > Which celebrity do you think was the nas...

Which celebrity do you think was the nastiest

I think it was Clive Owen. Ben Stiller was a prick but Clive Owen the way he was talking about Maggie I have never wanted to punch a guy so badly.

Ben Stiller would be next.

I think the one who came across as the nicest was probably Patrick Stewart. Even though he was a pervert LOL he at least did help Andy get his show made and helped his relationship with Maggie too. He was a pretty awesome guy in it.


I think it probably was Clive, and kudos to him for putting himself out there for us to have a giggle at. A lot of actors probably have too much pride to let themselves be seen that way, even though we know it's just a script. I liked Ross Kemp as well, cuz he's such a hard-man with his Afghanistan tv stuff, it was funny to see Vinnie Jones challenge him like that.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.


It wasn't Clive Owen, it was Jonathan Cake.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


Wasn't he playing a character though? I thought the OP was referring to a celebrity who played (a version of) themselves.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.


Yes I was LOL. Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I also wanted to add David Bowie to this list.

His sad death made me think of his brilliant appearance in this. God he was hilarious. He seems like such a nice guy in it at first and then he just starts humiliating Andy and its just so vicious what he sings!

"Little fat man has sold his soul, chubby little loser!"

LOL what a dick! He had brilliant comic timing here Bowie. Shame he didn't do more comedies RIP.


He seems like such a nice guy in it at first and then he just starts humiliating Andy and its just so vicious what he sings!

Yes, this is it.

You kinda expect high profile actors to be buttholes, someone like Ben Stiller has probably had a bad mood at some point and been a jackass to some fan in real life, and stories like that never get off the internet.

But David Bowie? He's instantly likeable. That's why it came so out of the left field when he goes from sympathetic listener to extremely mean bully.


Jonathan Ross was the biggest tit and he was playing himself


re Bowie yes he starts off as extremely nice/approachable ("I cant hear you love come on over here") as many have said Bowie was in real life.. and then listening to Andys problems almost in sympathy ('things not going too well eh'). but then that 'little fat man who sold his soul' and then the almost 'man who fell to earth' faraway look as he turns to the piano and we realise hes just listened in a very detached way using this fat pleb Andy and what hes telling him about his crap show for the basis of a seemingly throwaway song to entertain the partygoers! (as Bowie was known to have eccentric ways of coming up with songs/lyrics).

perhaps it was especially devastating to Andy as he (like Gervis in real life) may have been a huge Bowie fan and is of that generation.. then again he didn't seem too bothered about Bowie beforehand when they were sat in the 'VIP section' so maybe not lol


The celebs were better satirized in the first series, whereas in series two it just boiled down to everyone acting like @ssholes.


De Niro was probably playing himself,or very close.Compared to the other celebrity appearences he has very little time onscreen so harder to assess.Thought Samuel L Jacksons onscreen persona in the episode he was in was fairly neutral.His reaction to Maggies rant about jazz is probably about what you'd expect.


Clive Owen definitely
