The new show is shooting in Vancouver.
Is it going to tie in with XF2 do you think or will CC just pile straight into all new stories?
shareIs it going to tie in with XF2 do you think or will CC just pile straight into all new stories?
shareWho cares?!?!?!
It's the X-Files!!!
Shooting in Vancouver again!!!
Despite all the second-guessing that goes on within these message boards, I'm personally willing to give CC the benefit of the doubt for where he takes The X-Files world next.
I mean sure, I have ideas for what could make for interesting story arcs as much as the next person, but it was CC's baby from the start, and I'm sure as #=!! not going to conceit to telling him how to raise it, because I'm sure we all know how doing THAT sort of thing usually turns out.
Yeah I am totally O.K. with the waiting and the seeing!
O.T. - been watching Better Call Saul and I'm disappointed. It's like a PG version of Breaking Bad. I would kind of like to see CC go the other direction and make the new X Files show a R rated version!
According to what?