Another movie if the revival works

Fox will back at least 1 more XF movie if this series suceeds so I hope CC gets the old magic back and it's not another fiasco like the After.


No way. It's just your wish.
What are your arguments in favor of a movie ? I asked you that many times but you are unable to answer.
In term of alien invasion, Fox has already ALIEN 5 and INDEPENDANCE DAY 2 and 3 in the works. They don't want X FILES in movies, they want to do a tv show.
If the revival works, we will get another season, maybe not with GA (she is busy until 2017!), and that's all.
There are far more tv show more successfull nowadays (GAME OF THRONE, WALKING DEAD, BREAKING BAD, 24) and they gave up making movies about it.


by hornytoad-2 » No way. It's just your wish. What are your arguments in favor of a movie?

What are your arguments for why it is apparently SO important to you that no more X-Files movies get made?

It's become obvious that's just your wish after all.


NO, I would be the first happy if another movie gets made. Hell, if there is a kickstarter I will pay for it.
I already exposed my arguments, they are logical and based on facts.
You are making a topic but you have no arguments in favour of it. It just shows there is no hope at all.


by hornytoad-2 » NO, I would be the first happy if another movie gets made. Hell, if there is a kickstarter I will pay for it.
I already exposed my arguments, they are logical and based on facts.
You are making a topic but you have no arguments in favour of it. It just shows there is no hope at all.

That you're considering it an "argument" is what shows there is no hope at all.


So, please, give only one reason why Fox would make another movie.


by hornytoad-2 » So, please, give only one reason why Fox would make another movie.

Are you trying to use some sort of reverse psychology to get Fox to make another XF movie by going on and on about why you think they won't?

That would at least make sense out of why you're trying so hard to convince everyone that something you say you want to happen isn't possibly going to happen.


The OP opened a topic that is just an affirmative sentence, whereas there is not a slim chance for that to happen. Unfortunately, even if the revival is a huge success, like WALKING DEAD, BREAKING BAD, GAME OF THRONES (and it's highly unlikely because it's not so epic) there would be another season, and that's all.

I want many things to happen, like being a billionnaire, but that doesn't mean there is a slim chance for this to happen.

IWTB could have been profitable if the budget wasn't so high. 29 millions for a movie shot in VAncouver, and there is less things in it than in BIRDMAN for instance. The BIRDMAN director would have made this for half the budget. And with a 15 millions dollars budget, IWTB would have been a winner. Free to Fox then, to promote the movie with more money (or not).


by hornytoad-2 » The OP opened a topic that is just an affirmative sentence, whereas there is not a slim chance for that to happen. Unfortunately, even if the revival is a huge success, like WALKING DEAD, BREAKING BAD, GAME OF THRONES (and it's highly unlikely because it's not so epic) there would be another season, and that's all.

I want many things to happen, like being a billionnaire, but that doesn't mean there is a slim chance for this to happen.

IWTB could have been profitable if the budget wasn't so high. 29 millions for a movie shot in VAncouver, and there is less things in it than in BIRDMAN for instance. The BIRDMAN director would have made this for half the budget. And with a 15 millions dollars budget, IWTB would have been a winner. Free to Fox then, to promote the movie with more money (or not).

Opinions again noted. Doesn't mean they are going to happen though.


Opinions based on facts and numbers. You can't beat that.


"Opinion" being the key word once again. That is the only relevant fact at this point in the discussion.


You do know Fox is in the movie biz right?


Yes, and you sure do know that IWTB was a critical and commercial failure.
You sure do know that the 24 movie was aborted because Fox didn't want to give more than the IWTB budget, quoting this failure. And what's more they have the DIE HARD franchise in theaters (which is not doing well), but nothing of the sort on tv, safe for 24.
You sure do know that, despite a huge success in rating since nearly three decades, there was only ONE Simpsons movie. And there is demand...A Simpson movie can attract several generations, it's an easy winner in box offices even if the movie were a critical failure.
They are not doing another Simpson movie because they prefer to focus on the tv show.

We could talk about SERENITY, since FIREFLY has a bigger fanbase on IMDB than X FILES, indeed twice more...They would make a whole lotta money from this.
With alien movies, FOx have enough for the next couples of year : INDEPENDANCE DAY 2 and 3, PROMETHEUS 2, ALIEN 5...

But a tv show that do well in ratings, they are dying for that. If you turn XF into a franchise movie, which failed the last time, you don't have a successfull tv show anymore. You have one possible failure in theaters and nothing on tv. You lose on both terms.

So it's wiser for them to have a successfull tv show and other brandnames like ALIENS for the theaters.
