One of the worst films I have ever seen!

I got given this DVD as a 'secret santa' present. I sat and watched it the following morning after hearing many rave reviews from my friends about this film. After the entire length of this movie I was left wondering whether I had lost my sense of humour, as I found nothing in this film that was remotely funny.

Borat was nothing more than an offensive movie, full of anti-semetism (despite the actor himself being Jewish), racism, sexism and well the list goes on. If someone had come out with the comments that were made in this film, in an interview etc that person would have been prosectued for what they had said, but because it is a film character doing this it was deemed acceptable.

Rant finished!


I could not agree more! I also had heard all the rave reviews. I was just disgusted with this film and found nothing funny about it. I cannot understand how so many can find this so hilarious? I consider this to be the worst movie I have ever seen. Simply offensive.
Very nice to find someone else who can see this for what it truly is. Please rant away! You are not alone.


Obviously you didn't get the movie. And I won't even go into what it was you didn't get. This was satire at best. Go from there.


Unbeleivable film.
Not. One. Single. Laugh.

Satire? Really, no. Juvenile schoolboy stuff. Offensive, maybe - but I can handle that if it serves a purpose, highlights some greater issue/hypocrisy. This didn't even try.

Ali G was his peak, this is his nadir. I don't know, maybe not his nadir, but I simply can't imagine anything worse than this. There are very few films I've felt deserved a 0/10 rating here, but if I could, I would rate it thus.

Not funny, not clever.


The film's "racism and sexism" (all pretend) managed to reveal the very real bigotry and idiocy of American culture. Its genius is that.


Obcourse you are all intitled to your oppinion but you are wrong!


How can somebody be wrong about their opinion? That statement smacks of arrogance. I disagree entirely with your interpretation of the film, but your opinion is just that - an opinion. I hardly have any basis for stating that that is NOT your opinion. That's the beauty about opinions - they are never wrong. (They can however be misguided!)


What the f are you talking about? Of course opinions can be wrong. Like the people who say evolution is a myth? That's their opinion, but they are wrong.


Talk about blind. "Taste" in movies is subjective and hence one can formulate an opinion on it. Belief or disbelief in a proven fact is subjective and hence there is no opinion to formulate - one is only right or wrong.

The problem is that you used a poor example when you chose the ambiguous term "evolution" as representative of a "fact". If you were indeed referring to Darwin's theory of evolution (as published in his "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection") as being a fact you would be incorrect. That is a "theory" not a "fact", widely accepted by the scientific community though it may be. People who say evolution is a myth are NOT wrong, but are expressing an opinion.

Next time choose something like Newton's laws of motion when attempting to demonstrate an example of a "fact". You'd still be wrong though. As that would still be objective (what you failed to demonstrate) and not comparable to one's subjective "taste" in movies.

That's just my opinion.


I never post on this site, but I just could not let this very sad post slide by.

First of all, evolution is both a theory AND a fact.


Second, even if evolution were 'only a theory' (gravity is also a theory, by the way), that would not make people who call it a "myth" any less wrong. There is no other explanation AT ALL which accounts for the diversity of life we see on our planet. Not only is there overwhelming evidence for evolution, but it can be observed RIGHT NOW.

Now on to the broader point: There are indeed 'good' and 'bad' opinions about objective truths. Although largely influenced by subjectivity, opinions such as taste in film are ultimately rooted in what people consider to be objective fact. For instance, many "Borat" fans will say that they loved the film because it was IN FACT a satire. Thus, their opinions are based upon the claim that the film is objectively a satire. On the other hand, you have "Borat" fans who loved the film because they really do share the views promoted in the film. Thus, their opinions are based upon the claim that the views promoted in the film are objectively true.

So, which of these two opinions is better than the other? Well, the creators of the movie itself say it was a satire. In terms of objective truth, that is the closest we can possibly get to the question of whether or not it was a satire. Therefore, the opinions based upon its satirical nature are 'good' (aka better informed) whereas the opinions which completely miss the satire are 'bad' (aka poorly informed).

In short, opinions are only entirely subjective in the realm of a subject's mind. Once they voice their opinion to the external world, it becomes relative to objective truth. In order to determine which opinions are 'good' and which are 'bad', the objective truths upon which they trespass must be considered.

Oh, and in case it needs to be added: To call evolution a "myth" is absolutely wrong in every sense of the word "myth". If by "myth", someone simply means something along the lines of "wrong" or "unsubstantiated opinion", they are also absolutely wrong unless they provide evidence which supports their claim (and, in fact, none has ever been produced).

For future reference:

Fact: An objective or verifiable observation. Examples: Apples fall from trees. Living things have changed over time. Facts are a dime a dozen. They aren't very interesting nor do they contain any explanatory power.

Law: A verbal or mathematical statement of a relation that is always under the same conditions. Examples: The laws of motion and gravity. Laws are not very important either. They have no basic explanatory power. Laws simply state what we have observed in a simple relationship. They are great for engineering purposes however.

Hypothesis: a suggested explanation for an observable phenomenon or of a reasoned proposal predicting a possible causal correlation among multiple phenomena. A scientific hypothesis must be testable. A good hypothesis will be as simple as possible (Occam's razor), will have a good scope (explain multiple phenomenon), have predictive power to explain future events, and fit with current knowledge. A hypothesis is the core of science. They are used to explore different explanations for why things occur. Example: Jim eats a cookie everyday at 3:00 because he is diabetic.

Theory: Scientific theories are constructed from elementary theorems that consist in empirical data about observable phenomena. A scientific theory is used as a plausible general principle or body of principles offered to explain a phenomenon. Theories are built on scores of facts, multiple laws, and many well established and proven hypothesis. Theories are the ultimate explanation in science. However, theories are still subject to change and challenge based on new data. One of the best ways to become a famous scientist is to disprove a theory. Examples: theory of gravity and theory of evolution.




Oh wow. You are very articulate and with such a broad range of lexicon you seem to have masked the fact that are COMPLETELY wrong.

"A theory can never be proved, only disproved" - Stephen hawking.

Theories can never be fact. You're telling me that the widely scientifically believed theory that the earth was flat was fact because it can be 'observed' (if it wasn't a sphere then the people at the bottom would fall off).

Truth is. We know nothing. And only once you can accept that "true wisdom is knowing how little you know", can you accept that a theory is only ever a theory. It can never he proved.


That has to be hands down the strangest comparison to any topic on the forum I have ever heard..... But its all cool though


Wall of text...BORING!

You should've responded: "duh."

"You're legally allowed to drink now so we figured the best thing for you was a car." GWH


I guess that Jesus and the Apostle Paul are wrong then. You are elevating yourself above Jesus I guess. Have you ever fed 5000 men with two fish and five loaves of bread?


Actually, he's also entitled to his opinion that you are wrong.


Yes, of course the first two people who posted did not get the movie at all! First of all, Sacha Baron Cohen is Jewish himself, so why would he make such an offending anti-Semitic film? The answer is: Its a satire! The whole movie pokes fun at people who have Jew-phobia without any valid reason. You can see how "retarded" the Kazakhs are portrayed as in this movie, which indicates that people who hate Jews are - retarded... etc. etc...

Maybe you should watch it a couple of times more with a totally different point of view, and you will like it! Everything shown in this movie has a hidden purpose. And I am not seeing things out of nothing, the makers of this movie made it like that intentionally.


Oh, I 'got' the movie... I just didn't find it funny. Sometimes that happens.

I understood it was satire. I understood what he was trying to achieve. I just didn't like the way he went about it. That doesn't mean anything other than not being a fan of this style.

Interestingly enough, I liked the few bits of Ali G I have seen, and so when I got the chance to see Borat I decided to give it a go. I didn't like it. I turned it off half way through because I had better things to do with the remaining time that it would be on.



If you think that this movie is the worst that you have ever seen then clearly you have not seen "Anchorman". I would rather watch paint dry than see that movie.




you obviously have neither an understanding of satire nor a sense of humor!

A Man's a Man for A' That


The offensive jokes were what madee this film great. I watched this with my cosuin +brother last night and we barely stopped laughing. It was brilliant!


The simplest explanation is usually the right one, and the simplest explanation here is that you're just not very smart.


So I guess its ok to laugh at two naked men wrestling f-ckin idiots.



Yes... yes it is


[deleted] OC these movies are made because people like you exist so i have to thank you. There opening our eyes to how uptight and stupid society is as well as hypocritical.


LOL!!! They exist because of people like you who will buy tickets and MAKE THEM A PROFIT. Wow, youre funny. You make them sound like they have artistic purpose.


less uptight than ever - My vote history (>7000 titles)




then you took it completely the wrong way, being jewish himself, he is making fun of anti-semitism .... calling the black guy 'a genuine chocolate make up' is showing how stupid racists are ...etc etc. I suggest watching it again but with the opposite mind set from last time.




some people can never enjoy anything can they

