I feel sorry for some of Sacha Baron Cohen's "victims"

I love Borat and I think Sacha Baron Cohen does things few comedians would be brave enough to do. But after reading this article http://www.salon.com/2006/11/10/guide_to_borat/, I can't help feeling sorry for some of the people he tricked who weren't in on the joke, especially:

The sweet etiquette coach
The dinner party guests
The humour expert

Apparently because of his news interview, the woman who worked at the news station and agreed to have him on the program was never trusted again by her boss and let out of her contract, which led to depression and financial hardship.

I'm not saying people shouldn't make movies like this, just that the producers should be responsible for compensating anyone who suffers as a result. I think MOST people involved in the film weren't harmed by it and were even able to laugh at it later.


You mean the etiquette person who wanted to change the backward immigrant? I can see some of your points. But since it's his victims it's hard to muster sympathy for.


I thought you were referring to the viewers as his victims. Those of us who actually sat through the entire movie and literally didn't laugh once. If this is supposed to be a comedy, then why isn't it funny?

My vote history: http://us.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=9354248


She and everyone else had to eventually sign a release after they shot the footage. Upon signing a release, they give up the right to sue for damages as you have pointed out that she lost her job, etc.

I doubt Sasha Baron Cohen really cares. He only cares about making money for himself. He is responsible, 100%


how is it his fault if these people didnt do enough due diligence and were stupid enough to get involved with a stranger? serves........ Make $300 - $600 A Day With A Simple 3 Step Formula!
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