Worst movie ever!

A movie with naked man running around, having sex.
Comes close to being one of the worst movies ever.
Shouldn't even been made just Horrible.


Lol naw


Yeah. Isn't it awesome. Lol


A movie with naked man running around, having sex.

Having sex? I seriously think you should watch that again.

Comes close to being one of the worst movies ever. Shouldn't even been made just Horrible.

Dude, if you're so easily offendable and sensitive you should stick to Twilight and Transformers movies, although I think those would offend you as well.


A movie with naked man running around, having sex...

I just said your post in the voice of Borat. It's niiiice. I like you. I like the people.

By the way, your post teeters on cute trolling to truly just not having a clue. I can'f tel which so if it's the latter: as it's been said to you, Borat never has sex with a man. The naked fight is a joke. If that alludes you, the whole movie definitely did.


"If that -eludes- you..."


Thank you!





I agree the only film I can think if that is worse is Bruno.


You agree that it's 'the worst movie ever' but Bruno is 'worse'? How does that work?



Borat was definitely ONE OF the worst movies I have ever seen.


"Borat was definitely ONE OF the worst movies I have ever seen."

I don't know if I will ever be able to say that - I have never been able to fully watch this movie.
