Po's ignorance makes no sense
This movie, like so many movies, tries to have its cake and eat it, too.
(Some people say that saying makes no sense, but it does, if you understand it correctly - basically it means, you can't really own a piece of cake in your collection, and simultaneously consume it - you have to choose whether to 'have' (keep) it, or eat it (which will destroy it))
First we're shown what a humongous 'fanboy' Po is. He knows all about 'Furious Five' (except what body parts Mantis has for some reason), he knows even about the hidden, sacred, ancient treasures that are stored inside the temple (the captured souls, the invisible stuff, the absurdly sharp sword, etc).
This is a fanboy that has read his 'fanzines' with a passion multiple times.
Then SUDDENLY, he doesn't know about the 'Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom'..
(though it's wrong to call it SACRED, because it's not an artifact, but it's created, so it should be HOLY, but then again, pretty much every movie that uses those words get it wrong for some reason - 'sacred' refers to 'human-made' (kinda hard to explain when it comes to THIS movie) things that are then blessed 'after-the-fact', so a church or some religious object can be 'sacred', whereas 'holy' refers to 'divine-created' things, like planets, mountains, or indeed, trees)
..but just shoves its peaches into his mouth so his drool contaminates the holy ground.
He also doesn't know not to wash his pits in the 'birthplace of Kung-Fu' that he's COMPLETELY oblivious about as well.
How can he be an 'all-knowing fanboy', while NOT knowing about these important Kung-Fu related places that have always been right next to where he lives (well, a small hike away)?
This makes as much sense as someone that always lived in New York not knowing about the Statue of Liberty, or someone that has always lived in Toukyou (this IS the more correct way of typing it, believe it or not) not knowing about 'The Toukyou Tower' or 'The Toukyou Sky Tree', Shibuya or Chiba.
(Interestingly, 'The' is not part of the name in japanese.. it's just "東京スカイツリー", and weirdly enough, some websites transliterate it as 'The Tokyo Skytree')
It makes absolutely no sense!
Either he is a fanboy that knows about things that he LIVES NEAR to, or he isn't, and doesn't. Even as a noodle-salesman, surely he should know THAT much about his own surroundings, especially the 'birthplace of Kung-Fu' and other famous landmarks, but ESPECIALLY if he's interested in Kung-Fu.
It's like being extremely invested in Karate and loving it at a super fanboy level, but having never heard of 'Okinawa'. What kind of sense would that make??