The Furious Five (and the prison) make no sense
They hear Tai Lung is coming back, and yet they wait so long to go to the bridge.
Probably the ONLY bridge he could use to come back, judging by that they know he would use that bridge. I mean, if there were several bridges or paths, why would the Furious Five know to meet Tai Lung at that exact one?
This means, if they had left IMMEDIATELY, they would have been in time to destroy the bridge (or just cut the ropes), so Tai Lung could NOT have come back.
Why isn't this a backup plan anyway? You have this MASSIVE prison with, what was it, a THOUSAND guards (?), and you can't afford to arrange a guard system of maybe two or three people to guard the bridge, so they could immediately destroy it if Tai Lung is going to come back?
Also, why does the prison not have CELLs? At least ONE cell would've been enough. Why do they trust gravity and such to do the work, when a damn PRISON CELL would've been more foolproof and not require akupuncture needles or 'weighed chains' or anything like that?
Also also, why aren't the guards TRAINED to understand Tai Lungs abilities, and thus NEVER SHOOT SPEARS at him, because he could use them to his advantage, exactly the way he does?
Let me guess, so that the movie can happen?
I am so sick and tired of these lazy, nonsensical writing gimmicks that are completely unrealistic and only happen for that one purpose - so the movie can happen. If there was ANY realism in some villains or situations in most movies at all, the movie simply couldn't happen.
Is it this impossible to write something believable and still make an entertaining story happen? It's a "kids' movie" (groan), so not everything has to follow 100% exactly the rules of our dull world, but couldn't they at least EXPLAIN why they make these really weird, inferior choices to what prison designers USUALLY do?
A cell would've been perfect, there's no way Tai Lung has enough power to simply break metal doors or stone walls, so there's no way he could have escaped.. then again, there are probably dozens of 'prison escape' movies and stories, so what do I know.
I think prison guards should be less bribable, so the prisoners couldn't take advantage of them - especially in a CERTAIN COUNTRY's prisons, it seems corruption is the NORM rather than the exception, and what could be more shameful?
In any case, so much of this movie just doesn't make sense, and Tai Lung's prison is one of those things, not to mention his ... 'death'? Whatever THAT was..