Favorite Character?

I'm curious who everyone's favorite character was and why.

Mine was definitely Oogway, he was so hilarious without even trying. My favorite part was when he was blowing out the candles and for some reason I couldn't stop laughing at the fact that he was always shaking.

47.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


Ooooh, I loved the shaking too! Age never looked so hilarious. I actually felt sad when he turned to flowers.

Po was funny, and even Tai Lung was endearing in a villainy sort of way. My least favs were Monkey, Tigress and Shifu, but I didn't really hate any particular character.

Nothing is more reliable than a man whose loyalties can be bought with hard cash.



For me it's pretty much a 4-way tie between Po, Tai Lung, Tigress, and Shifu.

Gunner of Team Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?


Oogway is my 1 favorite but I also liked Master Viper. She's though but kind.



Po of course! But Oogway was pretty BA.

The Joker = <3<3<3<3

And that's showbiz, kid.


lol, I thought I'd be quite alone in liking Oogway. He's my favorite character as well, followed by Shifu and Tai Lung.

I have to say I wasn't too very fond of the furious five, they were just so underdevelopped...


Completely agree with dogsoldier on all counts.

Oogway was definitely my favorite character and the five did seem VERY underdeveloped. Although, I realize it is just a 92 minute animation movie geared toward kids, so I can't really hold that against it.


True, but it's the perfect example of how Hollywood revolves around names. They cast people like Jackie Chan and Angelina Jolie for these very small roles and then overuse it in all kinds of advertisments that make you think they actually have some sort of importance in the film. It's a bit sad really.


hands down Tai Lung. I loved the character because they actually showed through his dialogue/actions that he's just hurt, he had a reason to be the bad guy. His villainy isn't pointless and he isn't bad just for the sake of being bad like most children's films where there is no actual motiv.


Crane, Mantis, and Tai Lung.



Tai Lung - His excape scene and when he appears in front of shifu at the end between lighting strikes.... that was so awesome.



R.I.P. Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Shifu is my fave


Tai Lung.

Followed by Master Oogway.


Tai Lung: he is too badass and then there's his voice! The escape scene is easily my favorite. Second would be the fight with Shifu.

If it pays right and it's legal, I'll do it.
.......Well......if it pays right, I'll do it.


I suppose it's Po. Crane might have been good, but every time I hear David Cross's voice I can't not think of Tobias Fuenke. Since the two characters are so different, it made the parts with Crane in it unnerving.

Fishes can't fly and neither can I





I loved grumpy little Shifu and Po's father.




This was a great question you ask!

Of course, I loved them all, but the two I watched the most during the movie was Po (oh, the expressions on his face, just hilarious!!) ...and viper. I though Viper was precious -- has a face that reminds me of my favorite cat, Ms. Pearl. Plus Viper treated Po a bit more kindly than the other of the Furious Five
at the beginning of the story.

For those viewers who thought that the Furious Five didn't have much time or character development in Kung Fu Panda, there is a short sequel called Furious Five (which comes with certain DVD versions) that gives a background description of the five - Mantis, Viper, Crane, Tigress, and Monkey - and how they achieved status in martial arts after various sad starts in life. Very sweet and entertaining stories, too.

How I wish a sequel could be made to Kung Fu Panda. I've watched this movie so many times. It never fails to entertain and make me laugh out loud.



How I wish a sequel could be made to Kung Fu Panda.

Actually, they are planning on a sequel. It won't be coming out until 2011, but I am looking forward to it!

Gunner of Team Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?


A sequel to Kung Fu Panda!? Wow, that's great.

This was such a fantastic animated story that I can't see why they wouldn't come out with a sequel. This is good news. Thanks!



This is good news. Thanks!

You're welcome.

Gunner of Team Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?


monkey was my favorite because of the original and creative name, and the annoyed faces he made when po was up to his shenanigans were hilarious to me. my second favorite ws tai lung because of his b.a. voice

"You're everthing you are, and you're everything that you will become" - Brent Smith


I liked Mantis. Had a couple good lines. Was waiting for him to bust out with the "Judge me by my size" line from Yoda :)

Sequal won't be as good as the first, they rarely are.


(six years later)

Do you think the sequel was as good as the first?


I thought it was so funny when mantis grabed both ropes and yelled out. " what was i thinking!!" LOL
