Even do it was funny... I didn´t like the preference to Po
I never liked that the Po became the chosenone wihtout doing a *beep* and this is something I don´t like of almost every mamrtial arts film. I´ve been practicing martial arts all my life and I have trained so hard to be good at it, but here Po came from nowhere and had to many preferences over the other students, in this movie I kind of routed for the tiger because she trained so hard but she was never treated like the leopard or Po. What would have been cool is that the panda was so dedicated even do he was not naturally as skillfull as the tiger, monkey, etc, you know a natural warrior... but he was so lazy, he became the best in just to little time, without making even half of the effort the other five did in their entire life, and none of them got the same treatment... In the ancient shaolin temple, they tried to show you that there is no such thing as the chosenone or something like that, you had to start from the buttom and learn that in this life you earn what you deserve, this is what I learned from Kung Fu...
That´s what I liked Animes like Naruto or Dragon Ball. Naruto and Goku never recived the treatment Po had, they had to create their own pad, they were never protected neither they took an easy way, their lifes were so hard but they were natural warriors and they finally became so powerfull thanks to all their training and dedication over the years. Thats the message I wan´t from a kung fu or any martial arts movie, if it was so easy anybody could do it, you have to train and earn what you deserve