Great movie, but...
I loved SLITHER. I thought it was one of the most entertaining horror-comedies in a long time. It was a real old-school horror flick without ever resorting to any of that self-conscious BS that so many genre movies can't seem to avoid lately.
However, it does puzzle me that so many fans of this movie repeatedly boast about how original and inventive it was. I simply can't agree with that. SLITHER is as derivative a horror flick as any I've ever seen.
Aside from lifting its basic plot from NIGHT OF THE CREEPS, writer-director James Gunn borrows plot elements from THE TOMMYKNOCKERS, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, POSSESSION, THE DEADLY SPAWN, Cronenberg's THE FLY and Carpenter's THE THING, just to name a few.
This is not to deny Gunn credit for making a terrific horror flick when they are few and far between these days, but saying that his movie is "unique" and "original" is simply untrue.