MovieChat Forums > Slither (2006) Discussion > Fillion and Gunn Still Finding Work afte...

Fillion and Gunn Still Finding Work after this Garbage?


Yeah I cant believe that these people made a pretty cool exploitation movie and actually still get work. Strange. This movie pretty much killed elizabeth banks career. She has done nothing since. Pretty sad.



"If God did not want them shorn, he would not have made them sheep."


While she is excellent (and I do mean EXCELLENT) eye candy, she's really not that great in the acting department. She's finally gotten too old to play the cute girl next door type, and doesn't really have the acting chops to pull off anything aside from a vixen. That's the recurring role she plays in my wet dreams anyhow.


I dunno. Amongst a few others she's starred in since then, Elizabeth Banks was in a cute little movie called The Hunger Games. I'm sure a few people have seen it......


LOL yeah, 23 films already, more on the way, plus roles in several major TV shows like 30 Rock and Scrubs. She's basically destitute at this rate.

And Nathan Fillion's not doing much better, poor guy.

I do love these IMDB trolls.


This movie was awesome. Perfect mix of horror into the horror genre... My favourite character had to be the town mayor with his "bitch is hardcore" line.

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody


This movie is awesome and yea the mayor steals every scene he's in. Fun movie


I asked if Nate ”fill er up” Fillion or James ”I killed my career with a ”Gunn was working after this disgusting fiasco and based on the collective responses the answer is no.
Unless you count gas stations quickie marts and signing appearances at recreation
Centers convenience stores and senior citizens porta potties.


Uh, Nathan Fillion stars in a pretty popular primetime mystery show, you may have heard of it, it's called "Castle". I don't watch it myself, but I'm certainly aware that it exists. James Gunn wrote "Lollipop Chainsaw" and directed the underrated "Super" and is currently filming "Guardians of the Galaxy". So..... Yeah. I think they're fairly secure in their careers.


Hmmm 100 plus episodes of Castle for Fillion, and gunn directing and writing a marvel phase 2 movie for Disney. Yep they're doing nothing...dumbass.


I love seeing posts like this after a few years have gone by.
