to buffy-slayer

wow, I didn't know you would hurt me so much buffy-slayer, to start a whole topic filled with lies, misunderstandings, as well as racial attacks.

1. no, I never wanted to give people the wrong impression, I was hoping somebody else would post something on this board but it seemed nobody else saw it so I spoke my thoughts, and was careful not to offend anybody by using "I" statements.

2. no the reason I didn't like this movie wasn't because of nudity, or anything to do with nudity. I didn't like this movie is simply because I thought the storyline is a bit silly and it has nothing that appealled to me PERIOD. My mother was yelling how this movie is ridiculous was only due to the fact that she thought this movie was really silly in that kinda crazy way. NONE of us even said anything about David's nudity, in fact, during that famous nudity scene, we laughed at David's expression. WE DID NOT LIKE THE STORYLINE PERIOD. No more, no less.

3. You just hurts me so much by accusing me of being a communist. This is just so ironic because it showed that 1. you knew nothing of communism, only what you've been taught- bascially from the ironically pointless Red Scare. 2. Communism taught NOTHING, at least not to me, about anything to do with nudity. It was my family and my society where I grew up on that taught me. And my parents taught me is not because of "not to look men in the eye", just to be careful not to get myself hurt. 'cause I'm a girl and one thing leads to another. And the society where I grew up on might not be as "care-free" as America, but it's still far from not letting a girl to look men in the eye. This just proves that you know absolutely NOTHING about my culture. Here's a lesson: did you know girls MUST go through military trainings when they reach of age?? My best friend over there is Tae Kwon Do green belt. she's one tough girl, intimidated me 'cause I'm only yellow belt... And I've been taught looking at people's private parts is bad is because DUH, I was a little girl (I mentioned THE FIRST HALF OF MY LIFE, DO THE MATH PLEASE, and btw, no I'm not 18, I'm 19, just turned 19 recently, pay attention before you post a reply please). I don't believe you've never been taught anything close to that. Why are the movies always RATED and why are the "mature" shows always has "viewer's discretion adviced" before it starts HUH??? (Most PG 13/rated R movies are rated so because of SEXUAL CONTENT- COMMON SENSE!)

4. I have lots of friends who are hard-core Americans, and if they saw a man's penis, they also get at least a little uncomfortable. In fact, when we talk about the subject (in health class) they were the ones who laughed nervously, not me. And I said it kinda "grossed me out" was God's honest truth. I NEVER said "it's gross", I said "it grossed me out" because I thought the pictures were overkill OKAY? In These Girls the movement was so quick that you can't really see it. If I used the "gross" words inappropriately, I apologize, I'm not a native English speaker. If that makes you think I offended David, I apologize, I never meant that. I like him too. But if you remember, there was one other girl who was also uncomfortable with the pictures.

Finally I just wanna say I respect everybody's opinions, but of course I get hurt when I'm being attacked (especially like this). buffy-slayer/rt, I thought better of you. Like you said, you respect other people's opinion, so how about give me a chance to explain myself before spreading lies on this board. Which believe me or not I'm almost thankful. If you did it on Slayerverse that other person who yell with triumph.

I ask you to consider these things and hopefully consider delet your post. I do not intend to give people bad impressions and unlike that other person. I am not trying to achieve anything. Only to post, to communicate period.


thank you SO MUCH monitor, I guess the thread was deleted since I can't find it anymore. Guess there are still justice in the world :)
