DVD tweaked

There has been some concern about the US and Canadian DVDs. On Hazlett's blog he changed the original comment about the two versions. The Canadian version has commentaries and deleted scenes included. The US version does NOT have the commentaries or deleted scenes. The US version also upped the age of one of the characters from 16 to 17. I have seen both versions and that was the only difference.

On the blog Hazlett also spoke of the success of the film at the Philly Festival. It was great that DB's parents attended.
The US DVD version came out on Boreanaz's birthday May 16th.


I noticed that the girls were all legal in the us version. I think its pretty weak that it had to be changed. But then again most Americans are way too uptight.


Sorry you feel that way about MOST Americans. Being an American I agree that there was no need to change the age of one of the characters from 16 to 17, MOST of the Americans I know feel it's just as ridiculous. I don't know why the distributor made the changes. The distributor also did not include the commentary or deleted scenes. I really enjoyed the movie by the way.


I'm also American btw. and I know that not everyone feels that way, but I do think that people who think that way are in the majority unfortunately. I mean all you really have to do is take notice of how religion is affecting our government, what we see on tv, etc.
