From Keith's POV...

Do you think he even liked any of the girls. Sometimes, I got the feeling that he kinda liked Caroline's character, because she is the only he seemed to talk to about real things in each others lifes and he was responsive to her when she showed up at his door instead of shutting her out like he did Glory. What do you guys think? Also, even though at the end when he plays that trick on them and he starts being a total jackass to that sweet handicaped kid...I kept thinking to myself they are totally black mailling him to have sex. If he was a girl...this would not be's the same as rape. Why is it ok just beacuse it's girls doing it to a guy?


I think what made it so funny was because it was such a reversal or roles. It's not often that you see a woman or girl, especially a teenaged girl in a position of sexual power. And yes, everyone was doing things that were wrong. The girls were blackmailing Kieth and forcing him to play into their games, but then again, Kieth was cheating on his wife with a teenager.

Also, I agree that he seemed to relate most to Kiera. He had fun with Glory, but was put off by the fact that she thought they had a real relationship. And he thought Lisa was too young and naive. Kiera was the only one who he had an honest relationship with. They were both in it just for sex. Also (mild spoiler)... towards the end when he is getting exhausted he manages to avoid sleeping with Glory and Lisa, but still sleeps with Kiera.

"Sometimes evil drives a minivan."


Yeah, I noticed that too that when he was too exhausted he still managed to sleep with Keira and he actually told her what was wrong instead of avoiding the situation and then they just cuddled, which was cute. The role reversal was great. In that scene Keira comforts Keith as if he was "an over reacting girl".


I thought he was just a big "softie" :P :P :P which means whenever a girl (perferably *hot*) asked to have sex with him he would "fold like a lawn-chair" *g*

And I think the reason why he talked is also because he was just a nice-guy in a not-so-societal-wise-moral kind of way. Like another reviewer said, this film is controversial in that you would not picture a "good guy" as someone like Keith (hehe).

Though I felt SO SORRY for him in the end when he got beat up, HEY NO FAIR!!!


I felt sorry for him to, but you have to admit that he didn't handle the situation very well and that at the end he got kind of mean...espacially when he found Grubber in his basement and the whole Kenny/kidnap thing...I would of prefered a different ending.


yeah me too, he definitely didn't handle the situation well, starting with having sex with all the girls when each and every one of them asked :P :P :P the guy just isn't manly, but since I don't think he's responsible for everything I don't think he "got what he deserved" as Keira said :)


Yeah...that's why the ending was a little too much. The girls tried to make it seem like he was the bad guy, but they were definitly responsible for their share of the whole situation.


my mother would agree with you, she was complaining all the way how the girls weren't the least innocent in the whole thing and in fact she despised the girls more than Keith :)

I especially didn't like Glory, I thought she was annoying the way she tried to "make it" with a MARRIED grown man. Yeah, none of the girls really cared for Keith, they just wanna have sex with him. I felt sorry for Keith (even with all the wife-cheating and Pot-growing :P) when he was so exhausted and started to talk about his responsibility *poor guy*

The whole "teenage years of girls" theme thingy in the movie just didn't appeal to me, that's why I didn't like the movie as well as I thought I would.


I think at that point though he was kind of feeling like a trapped animal ready to gnaw off his own leg to be free. When Grubber revealed what he knew, he saw it as just one more person ready to blackmail him in a situation which he couldn't seem to find his way out of.


He had sex with THREE TEENAGE girls WHILE his BABY was in the next room - absolutley the most deplorable movie I have ever seen. Who the hell cares about his feelings. He was a husband and father. I was praying that his wife or one of the girls father's or big brother's would find out and kick his sorry (but I have to admit sexy) ass into next week. I am totally embarassed to admit I am from Canada when this fabulous country produces this kind of so called entertainment. And I was totally shocked that David Boreanaz would even be a part of something so appalling, even though it is "just a movie". The only reason I watched it was because is came HIGHLY recommended.


Get over yourself! It's a movie. If it was all about wine and roses and folks doing the right thing, there wouldn't be much of a plot now would there?


Aw, don't be pissy at David and Canada...

Of course it's a horrible horrible situation. But it's a movie. And since we apparently like caps, it's A MOVIE.


The double standard still exists: girls are still called whores even if they just sleep with more than 2 guys and everyone finds out about it and guys still get pats on the back for being "studs" if they've hit over 100. First off, you're reading too deep into this. Everyone wants to make everything into some kind of political or philosophical debate and its just not that serious. Just take it for what it is--entertainment.

...You need not by my enemy. Join with me...for you'll see that I make a powerful ally.


The double standard still exists: girls are still called whores even if they just sleep with more than 2 guys and everyone finds out about it and guys still get pats on the back for being "studs" if they've hit over 100. First off, you're reading too deep into this. Everyone wants to make everything into some kind of political or philosophical debate and its just not that serious. Just take it for what it is--entertainment.

...You need not by my enemy. Join with me...for you'll see that I make a powerful ally.


Its called the double standard. Don't make it out to be more than what it is. Its fictional entertainment, not politics or philosophy and the fact that they did this to a guy makes it even better.

...You need not by my enemy. Join with me...for you'll see that I make a powerful ally.


I actually didn't find the girls slutty at all. But then again, I'm a 16 year old girl and a lot of their actions I understood. I mean- at least where they were coming from.


Double standard is the girls were raping him. And this is funny. Any movies in this "patriarchy" where 3 teenage boys blackmail a married woman into sex? There is Deadgirl, but the zombie is actual more of a person than the hunk of meat in this movie
