I have always said Terminator Salvation was amazing. I still believe it is because of these reasons:
Terminator Salvation, although far from perfect, was a great natural continuation. Continuing from the nuclear war started in T3's ending, Salvation picks up in 2018 where John Connor is just an ordinary soldier within the ranks of the resistance fighting SkyNet's machines.
Despite it having flaws (like most films), this should be given a pass as the overall idea of the film wasn't all that bad. Firstly, the negatives... No matter how many times I watch Salvation, the Blair Williams storyline always irritates me. I get it, Marcus Wright saved your ass and now you owe it to him. Okay, but what I hated was when she tried to flee with him, she put Connor's entire base at risk when Connor's men opened fire with bullets and even a napalm fucking bomb! The writing in Salvation was a bit bad here I thought and this was my only personal gripe with the movie.
What I loved about Salvation was that it was firstly a future story, not the same old sent back in time cat and mouse chase bullshit. This movie proved that you do not need that Schwarzenegger in it and that the franchise is bigger than him. I loved that it felt like it was going in the direction of James Cameron's classic vision of the future war. I think the main reason why this film flopped was because the fans were crying about no laser guns or war scenes like in Cameron's vision. Firstly, that is stupid because it was the year 2018, 11 years before the war depicted by Cameron, so there was plenty of time to build up to that. In Salvation, it depicted the resistance in it's early years with helicopters, working jets, machine guns and bombs targeting and kicking SkyNet's ass. This was actually good for plot sake. Why? Because at the end of the movie, we finally see the tide turning on the resistance! We see the implementation of the T800's being manufactured at SkyNet Central in San Francisco. This meant that the weapons which the resistance had been using would now be rendered obsolete against the titanium T800s in the next possible sequels. Secondly, I truly believe, had a sequel been made to Salvation, we would have seen the creation of Phased Plasma rifles specifically for the T800 models. This would have given SkyNet the upper hand against the Resistance as they would only be using puny bullets compared to their laser weapons along with the fact that the machines wielding these laser guns would be bulletproof. I imagine that maybe at the end of the Salvation sequel, we would have seen the resistance breaking into SkyNet's weapon facility somewhere in U.S.A and stealing crates of laser weapons thus slowly evening the score between SkyNet and humans. This would have been a gradual slow building step towards the Cameron vision of the 2029 war.
We also saw the prototype Arnold T800 in Salvation. Once again, the fans complained! "It looks nothing like him!" Okay yes the cgi is bad but there was a very good in-universe excuse for this: It looks nothing like the 1984 Arnold because this was a prototype Arnold. His facial appearance could have changed during mass development of the T800 infiltrators.
I loved the fact that they had young Reese in this and the actor who played him was amazing! (R.I.P) His facial expressions, mannerisms and voice was spot on! The homages to T1 Kyle Reese was amazing too: For example, in Salvation, we see Marcus Wright teach Kyle to always have a string attached to the shotgun so it cant be taken from him. We would then see Kyle in T1 sawing off the shotgun in the alleyway hooking a string over his shoulder.
This film had so many references to the lore of T1 and T2 that it is hard to dismiss this film as bad. Yes, Genisys and most likely Dark Fate will have references too, but they felt more like in-your-face fan service. The whole first 30 mins of Genisys was fan service. I am not even remotely excited for Dark Fate.
I do agree that Salvation was too bright, but upon watching it the other day with my wife (which she loved it btw!), I noticed that one of the bandits hiding in the gas station said that they needed the food or fuel for the "dark season". This made me realise, what if it was dark season in James Cameron's vision? What if he set it at night time not just for theatricality and mood, but also to compliment the colourful lasers and explosions and to possibly hide the special effects wiring etc?
The dark season could have been shown in the Salvation Sequel or even the sequel after that, where they would have most likely shown an older Kyle Reese and an older war torn grizzled Christian Bale sending him through the TDE back to 1984. Could you imagine Bale sending a young CGI Michael Biehn through the time machine? That would be movie gold!
Instead of giving us two potentially amazing lore-respecting sequels, Hollywood studios decided to reboot the franchise which has severely bombed.
Please feel free to share your opinions on this as I would love to know what people think about this film!