references to friday the 13th

the reference page for this movie lists Friday the 13th which makes sense but it says that its because Les Vernon takes place in an abandoned summer camp. I thought LV took place at an abandoned apple orchard. what gives?


Behind the Mask does, indeed, take place in an abandoned apple orchard. Whomever submitted the reference to IMDb was mistaken.

our only salVation is in chAos and disoRder


okay man, thanks for your response.

tiny voices...echoes of our heritage, our long and sallow faces look the other way...


nice bad religion quote. good to know someone else loves them too.


thanks, man. BR are my all-time favorites.

tiny voices...echoes of our heritage, our long and sallow faces look the other way...


There are a few Friday the thirteenths, (I believe 2 and 5 but I could be wrong) that have a great deal of action go down inside a bard that could be the same... maybe that's the source of the mix up.


It's been a while since I've watched them, but I do believe a large portion of Friday the 13th part III takes place in a barn. Good point, though.

our only salVation is in chAos and disoRder


yes i jus saw Fri. the 13th pr. 3 and it does take place in a barn.

tiny voices...echoes of our heritage, our long and sallow faces look the other way...


They could simply have put it there because the whole movie is really a reference to films like friday
