My thoughts...

I'm sorry for boring people with my thoughts, but I just had to get off my chest how brilliant this movie was and how blown away I was by it.

I DVR'd it, not really knowing exactly what it was about. I thought it was just going to be a slasher flick. The desciption didn't really give anything away about it's true nature, other than the killer "invited a documentary crew." And it was still described as "horror," so I didn't think there was going to be anything comedic about it.

Granted it has some horror elements, but I would say it's more of a satire--in the strickest definition of the word.

Anyway, I really don't want to type a lot about this movie, because I'm sure I could write a novel, but I watched it twice in a row I thought it was so good.

just my 2 cents...

