Awesome! This movie was pretty good, so I'm psyched to see that there's going to be a sequel!
They *have* to bring back everyone from the first movie that survived, then kill off at least one of them in the first 10 minutes. The male character that wasn't Robert Englund is the most disposable of them. He's not the survivor girl, nor is he the Ahab. Ahabs can get killed in the second movie, but it usually happens a little later in the film.
I imagine that the Ahab would have to be killed in the second film in order to establish the Survivor Girl as the new "Ahab" that's tracking down Vernon.
scream is actually supposed to go up to scream 6 (#4 is the first of an alleged second trilogy).. and scream 2 was quite good..
but i thought lesie was very good too and would appreciate a sequel-- not very scary though. this isnt terribly bad, but scream succeeded as a pure horror in addition to satire. and leslie more or less walked you through everything jokingly, so it was not scary at all... i put scream way above leslie
The original scream to me was a comedy. The sequels were not funny and more along the lines of the moronic films the original appeared to mock. Of course listening to the commentary on Scream you learn Williamson and Craven thought they had made a real horror slasher flick. Weird. Seemed to be a post-modern flick instantly to me.
As for a follow up to this. Hmmm. No. It worked when it was a documentary about a guy wanting to be one of the yahoos. It loses its momentum the moment it turns into just another idiotic slasher film.
I get the twist of the 3rd act - making the audience suddenly reflect on all they were laughing at in the first two acts. I just wanted the comedy to continue (as it did in Scream). I loved that the humor never slipped away; Billy and Stew still bickered and the smarter characters never became tools.
Honestly, I had the same misgivings on my first few viewings of Adaptation (the 3rd act becomes exactly what Charlie hates and Donald was trying to peddle); eventually I grew to accept it. Because I so hate all of the slasher films but Halloween (mike myers was out in daylight all the time in that film by the way) I ended up getting annoyed when Vernon turned into the very thing it was mocking. Yes the film purposely became a slasher film at the end - some would say to wag a finger at the audience. I'm not the slasher film audience though so to me it was just a yawn. So I eventually stopped caring about anyone (not that I cared about the female lead ever as she was quite milquetoast). Vernon, whom I found charming, suddenly became exactly what he was aiming to be...the fast walking unstoppable killer... and in that instant also became just a blank to me. Maybe another viewing will change my mind.
I totally get the Jason, etc were supposed to be real in the Vernon world - that never escape me or in any way bothered me. This is the same conceit as a super hero film where people mention other heroes (Nick Fury in the original Iron Man - haven't bothered with Iron Man 2) or Tarantino creating his little universe with characters and their names appearing all over (Res Dogs, Pulp Fiction, etc) or Kevin Smith and his View Askewniverse. Get it. Not a complex notion. Just added to the fun of the first two acts really. He wasn't a nut in our world talking about Freddy but a nut in Freddy/Jason/Mike's world looking to become them. Fine idea. Just wanted the comedy to continue. I wanted to end laughing not end miserably bored.
Sorry to be a pain in the ass, and I know this is totally off the point, but just for the record, that was Wes Craven as the janitor in the Freddy outfit.
This shows every sign of being the film's page: "B4TM" (which implies a PREquel, but not necessarily; could give more backstory while furthering the present story though)