Has Leslie done this before?

I thought this was supposed to be Leslie's first rampage. But when he's describing how he plans to kill the couple having sex upstairs, he says he "usually" gives them a few minutes to get started before he makes his move. Any thoughts?


I thought, while he did say that "he" usually gives them a few minutes, that he just meant in general, that's how everyone else does it, so that's what he would do as well. I may be wrong, or it may just be a minor script flub.


I thought this was something of an ambiguous element to the movie, but I did get the impression that Leslie has, in fact, gone on slasher killing sprees before. It's not just his language ("I usually give them a few minutes...") but his incredible expertise and Doc Halloran's comment "What's he calling himself now, hm? Leslie...Vernon?"

our only salVation is in chAos and disoRder


Yes. I too got the impression he had done this before...


One of the questions was why he waited so long to stage his come back. He said he went and helped a friend in Texas with get his game back together. So in other words he's helped other masked murders and have read up about the others.


He does fairly well for a living. I mean, for a bum.

Dude bumps groin against vagina, his chonson becomes entangled.


i thought this was supposed to be his first rampage, too. i didn't pick up on the line about what he usually does...maybe he killed people for practice before, but this is his first killing spree with a master plan to it, you dig?


I got the impression that he'd definitely killed before but that he told her that he hadn't because he didn't want to scare her off too early. so long as she thought he hadn't killed yet she was able to fool herself into feeling safe around him

"I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me..."


I figured this was his first killing in the "Leslie Vernon" persona. I imagine he's probably killed before, but as different "characters" in various locations.

He was trying to set himself up as one of the killers like Jason or Michael, who come back a bunch of times to kill in the same place. He'd tried before, but had never made a lasting habit or series out of his killings. This was probably his first attempt to "make it big."

Let a little insanity into your life.
