Wayne, Maine?

According to IMDB, Wayne, Maine was one of the filming locations. Would anyone happen to know which parts were filmed there?


I had no idea they filmed anything in Maine either. I'm from Portland, OR and remember reading that they filmed the movie here and in the surrounding areas— Troutdale and Estacada were some of the surrounding towns they used. The scene in the beginning with Angela Goethals standing on Main St. of "Glen Echo" is actually on the downtown Main St. of Troutdale, which I grew up pretty close to. They also filmed the library scene at the Portland central library downtown on 10th; I go to school at PSU and walk by it all the time. It's a huge library. I'm wondering where the Wayne, Maine information came from?


Thanks for all that great location info! I'm starting to wonder if the Maine location was posted in error. Wayne is a tiny blip on the map.
