Josh Robert Thompson

In a recent episode Craig and Geoff kept making jokes about the mysterious man behind the wall (Josh). Then at the end of the episode Craig tried to bring the camera over there to spot him but I think Josh sort of hid from him. Is this us getting closer to a future cameo by him? I'd love to see him on before the show ends.


years ago, when Craig did skits, Josh used to be a regular on camera. He did Arnold and others


And Josh has been on camera a few times since, when he was doing the Morgan Freeman puppet and once as Geoff before he "died". They did make a joke that's probably true that they would have to pay him extra for being on camera.


As recently as December, right?


Yeah, I forgot about Kraftwerk. Even when the jokes were lame, it was still funny because of the characters and the look of the segment (intro, set, etc.)


Hope you were watching tonight, then.


And his mother looks like she's about 30 years old.
