His renewed energy this final week is a bit sad in a way...
At some point late 2010, early/mid 2011 Craig started to become less enthusiastic for the show. And from 2012 onwards he was mostly drifting through episodes, showing less and less interest in things.
But this last week or so he's visibly turned the clock back 4 or 5 years and he's looked like the Ferg of old. Energetic, sharp and excitable. Presumably so he could go out on a high.
It's a shame in a way, since I would have loved him to have been like this over the last few years. This Craig was the Craig we were getting every night, week after week in the early years.
So I'm sad in one sense that he's gone - but most of that sadness goes back 3 or 4 years if I'm being honest. He kind of already left a long time ago in my mind. One or two weeks of renewed freshness at the very end won't cover up the show's general downturn.
The show's best years were by far 2005-2010. People who are new to the show probably won't understand, but it's the way I see it.