Craig Ferguson's comedic style

How would you characterize Craig Ferguson's style of comedy, at least on the LLS?

I was trying to explain it to a friend and I couldn't quite pinpoint and exact genre or type of comedy. It seems he uses multiple types sort of processed in his own idiosyncrasy.


I always referred to TLLS as televised ADD.


No. 


cute irreverence.

It's not nasty what he does (unless it's directed at the Kardashians, haha) but there's a scornful and flippant way he talks of the news story he's covering.

It's done with an almost pleasant manner though.


When he started it was off the cuff no holds barred. Towards the end with Geoff more whimsical.


lol cute irreverence. that's quite true.

But I'm wondering more in terms of official genres. like he's not completely deadpan comedy nor satire, etc...

PS: Here's an example to cute irreverence maybe...
Craig: The UN. That's the worlds foremost organization in writing strongly worded letters.



"Bltch, what you DON'T know about me -- I can just about squeeze into the Grand xxxxing Canyon!"
