12 shooting the general
I know that's a controversial scene to some people. They say oh the doctor would never shoot anyone. Firstly the doctor has fired guns at people on multiple occasions. 3 shot a bunch of the creatures from day of the daleks, 5 fired a whole round of bullets into a Dalek creature and there's probably more but I can't remember. 2 he wasn't the doctor during that episode Moffat said the villain in that episode was the doctor he was the bad guy during it which I think we a great idea,
Last I quite liked the idea of it. I personally wouldn't mind seeing the doctor shoot more, I mean not turn him into James Bond or anything and sometimes he does his merciful trying to save everyone thing but I think it's good to make it unpredictable what he'll do. I think in new who the doctor with guns has become to predictable. I mean everyone knows tennant wouldn't fire a gun at anyone he hit a hissy fit when anyone said the word gun the scene I the doctors daughter where he had the gun at the guys head and it was meant to be suspenseful of whether he'd do it made me laugh first time watching becuse it was obvious he wouldn't same with end of time.
Matt was a bit more unpredictable e.g him killing Solomon the way he did but when he had the gun in town called mercy we still pretty much knew he wouldn't but with capaldi doing that it does finally show he will do it with no problem and I like that because it'll make his enemies fear him more and not just go oh he's got a gun well he won't use it. Even the General said it hasn't got a stun setting and thought that would stop him but it didnt. So I'd be happy to see that more in new who.