MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > American football in Cardiff :-).

American football in Cardiff :-).

I've been watching (a few minutes of) these bad NFL football games played in London. They need something to spice things up. I suggest they ought to play the next NFL game in Cardiff and have The Doctor show previews of the new season at halftime. Might actually get some viewers. I see there is a 74000 seat stadium in Cardiff, that ought to work for an NFL game.

And if we are really lucky the bad teams will disappear into the rift :-).


On behalf of all NFL fans, I apologize for that. There's only one person over here that thinks forcing an NFL franchise in a country where it has no chance of ever catching on is a good idea, and unfortunately that person is Roger Goodell.

If the NFL's going to force itself down your throats, the least they could do is give you GOOD games. The Bengals and Redskins do not represent the NFL product.


Seems to sell out Wembley every time there's a game there.

Can't understand why, I've always found the game to be pretty dull.


"You know what's a brilliant idea? In a country with 4 time zones and 3 hours separating its coasts, let's have a game (and only one game that week) played in a completely different country in still another time zone that is at best 5 hours ahead of us."
--Things you never imagined anyone ever saying, and yet....

Bring me knitting - 8


More like American Rugby, but with pads and helmets.
