Gross and disgusting

I found myself here because I followed some links while looking up
information on
Johnny Carson. Poor guy, I can't believe this piece of filth is
dedicated to him.

What's America coming to when citizens think this kind of horror is
What's the world come to, when human beings think this language and
context is entertainment.

Help us, Lord.


"What's the world come to, when human beings think this language and
context is entertainment."

It has come to a better place than it would if censorship and judgement of others had taken hold.

As for Johnny Carson, he loved the joke. Accept that about him and include it in your view of him. Otherwise you stray into the kind of zone where people try to censor the reality of those in the public eye, which leads to all kinds of lies. A quick glance at the treatment of stars like Rock Hudson should illustrate the error of that path.

She has that winning mix of beauty and low self-esteem.


Johnny Carson???

Your upset that this movie is too crude for Johnny Carson????


Admit it you are really James Watt. Didn't you learn anything how stupid it was
badmouthing the Beach Boys in favor of Wayne Newton???


I guess I didn't know that about Johnny Carson. Oh well. :-(

I don't know who that other guy is. And I didn't mean this as bashing... I was
just grossed out and disgusted.


well it was gross and disgusting, but it was still funny. Cartman, Gilbert godfried, they were just plain funny.

thats the whole point.

I grew up being told Johnny was gross and disgusting. The point is, whats funny to one person, may not be to another.

I learned it as:

You with your spoon and me with mine.


Listen to the agnostic me... What you think is wrong MIGHT not be to others. It's freedom of thought and speech, and I'm not talking about your stupid US laws, I'm talking about every human being. One finds one words offensive because that's the way he was TAUGHT, not because he really is offended by it.. You can't judge society objective nor subjective. You can't judge it at all.




I'm an agnost myself, but I was talking from the Christian point of view. Whenever a Christian condemns you or judges you because you do something that is supposedly against God's will, just say: "What could oppose God's will? Nothing really, right? We're all God's holy and perfect children, and he loves us no matter what we say and do."


Carson would not have liked this film. He liked things that were funny. This film sucks and only classless fools like it, as can be seen by the retorts from all those who defend this moronic piece of tripe.


"Carson would not have liked this film." Thanks for the update from the psychic medium who communicates with dead celebrities. If you don't think the joke is funny or you're offended by crude humor, don't watch the movie. If it took watching the movie to make you realize these two things, then don't bother whining in a message board. Nobody cares.

If you're serious, you lose.


Terror -

Whether or not Carson liked a certain telling of this joke has nothing to do with wether or not he would have liked this monumental failure of filmmaking. The observation that Carson would not have liked this film was based on his behavior while he was alive. He did not like classless shlock. This movie appeals to retarded juvenile delinquents, THAT is my point. Carson most certainly would not have fit into that category.

Your logic proves my point; you are saying anyone that watched this film and didn't think it was funny or was offended by it should not have watched it. Talk about being psychic.

Then you say that if it took the movie to make you realize "these two things" (that it wasn't funny and was offensive), then you shouldn't bother "whining in a message board". Not only are you indicting your own pov here, but you presume imdb message boards are only for favorable comments. In other words, if it took watching a horrible movie to make me realize that it was horrible, I should not have said anything about it publicly. Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense. I lose.

The only thing you got right is that nobody cares.

Previous post below:

by - terror_and_submission on Mon Jan 19 2009 07:32:09
"Carson would not have liked this film." Thanks for the update from the psychic medium who communicates with dead celebrities. If you don't think the joke is funny or you're offended by crude humor, don't watch the movie. If it took watching the movie to make you realize these two things, then don't bother whining in a message board. Nobody cares.

If you're serious, you lose


This was Johnny Carson's favorite joke. He wasn't as tame as you think he was.


Knawdas -

first off, show us how you know this was Johnny's favorite joke. Secondly, even if it was, that has nothing to do with whether or not he would like a crappy movie about that joke. Third, what does being "tame" have to do with disliking crap? Most of the people who have posted here that hate this film have stated repeatedly that they are NOT prudes. So long as we are throwing out unsubstantiated claims, Hunter S. Thompson told me this was the worst movie he had ever seen.


Just can't stay away, can ya, RT? Like a fly to....

But never mind. You requested some verification; Here you go. I myself have known of Carson's love for this joke since the 80's. But knowing you, you'll just proclain that everybody that disagrees with you are just a bunch of a Big Doodyheads and then you'll return to your cave with the rest of the Comedy Taliban.

"Paul Provenza on Johnny Carson's Take on the Joke: "Johnny Carson loved this joke. In fact, that’s one of the reason why the film is dedicated to him. He absolutely loved this joke and he had been in contact with Penn shortly before he died, because he was a big fan of their Showtime show *beep* So they struck up a correspondence and Johnny was completely taken with the whole idea of the movie. In fact, Penn was supposed to show it to him when we got back from Sundance, but Johnny passed away during Sundance so there was a sadness on our parts. But Johnny loved this joke and there are a number of tales of him enjoying the joke or telling the joke or what have you.

He loved the joke. In fact, when I was a kid, we’re talking probably late ‘60s, early ‘70s, something like that, I was watching ‘The Tonight Show’ and Buddy Hackett was on. Buddy Hackett was always an event when he was on the ‘Tonight Show’ because he just got under Johnny’s skin and tickled him like nobody’s business. Buddy Hackett was the filthiest mouth in comedy prior to Bob Saget. They cut away for a commercial break and normally during a commercial break, the band would play and entertain the audience. Well, they came back and for five minutes Johnny was trying to get composure, the audience was dying, Ed McMahon was doing that characteristic guffaw of his, the band was just falling all over each other, and the viewer had no idea what was going on.

Many years later, when I was making my ‘Tonight Show’ debut, I asked one of the segment producers, ‘You know, when I was a kid I saw Buddy Hackett on the show and something happened and Johnny lost it, the crowd went nuts. What went on?” And they knew right away what I was talking about and they told me that just during the commercial break, Buddy Hackett said, ‘Hey, I got a joke for the people,’ and he started to tell this joke. And just as they were coming back from the commercial break and the AD was going 5, 4, 3… he hit the punch line so when the cameras came on, everybody was gone. So Johnny has a rich history with this joke and loved it. Loved hearing other people tell it and it was sad that he never got to see the movie.”

Let's see, this from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

"Park City, Utah - Did Johnny Carson know the dirtiest joke in the world?

"It was his favorite joke," said comedian, magician and filmmaker Penn Jillette, who made a film about the joke with comedian Paul Provenza.

The punch line of the joke is the title of their film "The Aristocrats," which had its premiere last week at the Sundance Film Festival. The film features more than 100 comedians telling their variation of the joke, which is rarely told in public and whose content varies depending on who is telling it.

Carson does not appear in "The Aristocrats," but Jillette had been exchanging e-mails with him about the film, "and I was going out to his house to show it. That was going to be the finish of the film for me."

Although the joke was Carson's favorite, "he would not tell it to us on camera because he made a very strong promise to himself that he would not appear in public after he retired," said Jillette.

The one time Jillette - the long-haired, husky, speaking half of the magic comedy team Penn and Teller - appeared on "The Tonight Show," Jay Leno was guest host. But Provenza remembers his first appearance, on June 25, 1983, as if it was yesterday, and is happy to report that he killed.

"I remember it like a birthday because my life changed the next morning," said Provenza. "It was really remarkable. He ended up on the floor banging his fist he had such a good time. If you watch that old tape . . . you see me looking over to the side going, 'Oh, my God.' I didn't know if the audience was laughing more at him or at me."

For a young comedian, such an experience was "like winning an Oscar. If Johnny Carson thinks you're funny, Johnny Carson wants you on the show, Johnny Carson is laughing out loud in front of a studio audience, that's an Oscar."

So, that means that one of the "respectable" proxies you've chosen to "Prove Your Point" (A favorite phrase of yours, I believe) has the NERVE to show you up as no better than a Karl Rovian Republican re-election operative, as nothing more than a lying sack of *beep* that puts his own self-serving words in the mouths of dead people in order to show how undeniably right you are about everything. A New Low, even for you.....

Well, cross Johnny off your list....which Dead Funny Person are you gonna swear agrees with you next? Are you going to claim that Bob Hope said you're a genius? Announce that Sam Kinison was going to abandon his heathen ways and views after your sage counsel, but he died before he could publicly announce your brilliance? Maybe you'll suggest that Richard Pryor credited you with getting him off drugs?.

You really are Scum, RT - ya know that? You are FAR more pathetic than the worst version of "The Aristocrats" that anybody's ever told...

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Once again, Snag, thank you so much for all your hard work underscoring what losers those who like this film are. You have, however, missed the point once again. It is not important if Carson liked this joke or not (reread my last post); I can say with utmost certainty that Carson would not have liked this FILM because it is pathetic and Carson was a class act. It's not the joke I have ever complained about, it is the movie "The Aristocrats". Your ilk seem incapable of understanding this principle.

I really get a kick out of how personal you take this. You obviously have a personal stake in it on some level. Your contempt for me is comical. Nobody cares, idiot.



There's a million crappy movies out there, but "The Aristocrats" just has that special something that keeps pulling you back onto this thread?

It's not about "The Joke" itself? "..and a hundred banal orations of incest, torture and poop is comedic genius?" (by RT Firefly (Mon Sep 10 2007 20:52:08)

You can say "with utmost certainty" how somebody you never met or spoke with would feel about a film that he was described by someone that DID know him as "completely taken with the whole idea of the movie"? The two-faced *beep* way you state that "The Aristocrats" MUST suck because "Johnny Carson would've hated it", but just in case somebody shows that Carson might've liked it, then it's "It is not important if Carson liked this joke or not"?

Aww, RT, you just want yer *beep* sandwich AND to eat it too, don'tcha?

Get THIS straight, you prick - MY issue is not whether "The Aristocrats" is a "Good" (i.e., competently made) film - my problem is your continued insistence that anybody that DOES like the movie is retarded scum. (Ah, there you go with and your "Ilk" terminology again.)
Not once have you ever given an articulated argument listing the technical, compositional or structural "problems" with "The Aristocrats" - instead you repeatedly use the "argument" that since "Aristocrats" fans MUST be idiots, then "The Aristocrats" MUST be bad. And since "The Aristocrats" MUST be bad, then it's fans MUST be idiots. And yet you insist that I must be the one with a "personal stake" in this? I suspect that a 14-year-old boy you tried to molest rejected you while laughing his ass off at "The Aristocrats", and you've been searching for vengeance ever since....Christ, what a pompous, pathetic ass...

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


1) Why would you say I never met Carson?

2) You are either lying or ignorant when you say I have not articulated on what is wrong with this movie. I have done so at great length on these boards, (along with hundreds of others).

3) My comment that "I can say with utmost certainty that Carson would hate this film" is in response to your sentiment of the exact same, but in reverse.

4) I have stated on these boards and in my viewer comments on this film that I think the joke itself, if told right, IS funny. My beef is with the juvenile quality of this film and how well it was received by critics, not the joke.

5) Nobody reads your posts, you are spiteful and boring


RT Lightning Bug:

1) Just 'cause you've lied and changed yer stories so many other times, I'm assuming you're probably exaggerating your Carson aquaintance to try and bolster your "argument" - i.e., you may have been riding in your Mom's grocery cart as a two-year-old and bumped into Carson's cart at a Ralph's 40 years ago - but you just leave that part out, which you hope implies that you knew Carson better than you actually did.

2) I've read every post you've splayed on these "Arostocrats" threads, and other than EXTREMELY vague comments such as "Amateurish" or "Inept" - or even "Juvenile", eh? - you've NEVER listed the EXACT failures in this film's construction that so enrapture you.

3)Is this what you're talking about? "I myself have known of Carson's love for this joke since the 80's." Yeah, several years after I first heard the joke, I also read an article about Carson in something like the San Francisco Examiner about the less visible lives of celebrities, and it mentioned Carson's taste for far saltier jokes than the ones he could broadcast on TV, including "The Aristocrats". If that post read as if I was suggesting that I had personal knowledge of Carson's love for the joke, such was not my intention.

4) So - please give us an example of "The Aristocrats" that you DO find funny. It's only since you've come back from your self-imposed exile that you've changed your tune to say that the joke itself is not an inexcuseable piece of filth. (There's that Lying and Story-Changing thing I was mentioning earlier...)

5) Who CARES if nobody reads my posts? I barely care if YOU do. And "Spiteful"? Yeah, So WHAT? "Boring"? For someone boring, I sure seem to be able to plant a bug up YOUR Victorian ass....

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Man Snag, you are really delusional. It's not even funny. Seriously, dude. First off, read my user comment on The Aristocrats to see just how wrong you are. I make a detailed critique of the movie and do everything you say I do not do.

Secondly, what on earth you have invested in this is beyond me. Your life appears to be centered around defending retarded tripe. Of the hundreds here that echo my sentiments (btw not a single thread on the current boards was started by me) you pick me to "harrass". You think this bothers me? Snag, I'm going to let you in on a little secret here to show you what a nice guy I am: every time you write something to me you keep that thread alive and further the opinion of the OP. Don't you think you are wasting your time that way? Or do you not think?


OK, I was unaware you'd posted a UC on "The Aristocrats" - but, looking at the amount of posts in there, I ain't going to wade in just to hunt down yours. You just tell me what page it's on, and then I'll take a gander.....

And, as long as we're making things as crystal clear here, I'll (probably pointlessly) reply to your apparent inability to grasp the simplest point I've been trying to make ever since this *beep* started over a year ago:

I KNOW that "The Aristocrats" is not a "professional-grade" movie production. I never said that it WAS a masterpiece. I KNOW it's barely more than a fan-made home movie. That's NOT what I'm trying to "defend".

What I do respond to is your fake-egalitarian, wannabe-critic, sanctimonious, judgmental, Dana-Carvey-Church-Lady-like insistence that anybody that doesn't share your distaste for "The Aristocrats" is subhuman trash. That, and the way your criteria keep changing depending on how backed into a corner you are:

You: "My proof that 'The Aristocrats' sucks is hundreds of other posters agree with me!"
Me: "Well, what about the hundreds of posters that DON'T?"
You: "My proof that 'The Aristocrats' sucks is that I didn't start any threads!"
Me: "What difference does THAT make?"
You: "My proof that 'The Aristocrats' sucks is...IT JUST DOES! YOU'RE STUPID!"

I will say this - Your writing skills have improved a hair during your absence (although not your demonstratable critical disection skills) - did you get an uptick in your Lithium dosage? That might explain your previous apparent belief that I actually think my comments regarding your personal life and habits are factually correct. "Delusional" - ? Pshaw. All I do is make wiseass comments based on your own snobbish condescensions.

As for what I have "invested" in this - It's always more interesting to DISagree with someone than to agree with them. Any validation-starved needy putz can hang around with people who do nothing but harmonize with each other. THAT'S boring. If I wanted THAT, I'd go to church.
The fact is, it's just plain fun to watch you jump everytime I reach through the bars of your cage and poke you with a stick. A cheap thrill, no doubt, but it beats watching Jay Leno, that's for sure. Especially if you think that HE'S a "Class Act", too....

And, finally - I don't give a damn about the OP's threadstarter or how far each thread goes on.. YOU do. You responded to it first, in case you haven't noticed. Or don't YOU think about things like that? None that I've ever noticed. You seem to have a remarkably introspection-free mentality.....

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Oh, and p.s. - Please demonstrate where "I Can't Take It"? Your goofy belief that you have somehow reduced me to a blubbering wreck? That I lose a moment's sleep over your narcissisms? YOU'RE the one that disappeared for six months, not me. Show me, ya Crybaby. Ya Bedwetter. Ya Pantywaist. You big, fat Republican Party Contributor You.



You have a vivid imagination. Are you in prison?


Funny, you're the one that vanished for 6 months. I could ask the same of you. I'm guessing it's a pretty light sentence these days for Impersonating a Movie Critic....

Changing the subject again, are we? S.O.P. for you, son.....

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Still waiting here, you gutless wonder....

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


I found myself here because I followed some links while looking up
information on Johnny Carson. Poor guy, I can't believe this piece of filth is dedicated to him.

Really? Odd it seemed that he liked the joke, and a lot of the comics in the film mention that in the extra features of the DVD. I thought it was sweet that they dedicated the film to him, I'm betting it's exactly what he would have wanted.
What's America coming to when citizens think this kind of horror is funny.

This isn't Horror, this is Comedy, very filthy dirty blue comedy but comedy none the less. What is the deal, these are just words, no body actually recreates the act (Well Billy the mime comes close, but he's a grown adult who's miming, doesn't count)
What's the world come to, when human beings think this language and context is entertainment.

I'm glad people like this movie, I sure do. This film is about freedom of speech, pointing out that we should be able to say anything we like however we like. It also is about thecomics themselves showing their styles and how different they are. the joke itself is just the frame to show this in. Wow I looked into this way to much, simpler version IT'S A JOKE, IT'S FUNNY TO SOME, NOT FUNNY TO OTHERS.

Join the John Waters Myspace group


It's a documentary about the way a joke is told, not really about the joke itself. And its good some people are grossed out. They are meant to be, thats the entire point!!!! Its about one upmanship, who can gross out who the most...

Seriously, you are arguing about the joke when the joke is supposed to be disgusting. You guys are funny.

For what its worth, I liked Saget's version best

we don;t need no education
yes you do, you've just used a double negative
