Rotten Tomatoes rating

How the hell does this movie have an 80% on and is a certified fresh pick?


How does the Tomatometer work?

The Tomatometer measures the percentage of positive reviews from Approved Tomatometer Critics for a certain movie.

Understand? It received so many positive reviews because it's hilarious.


The critics gave it a "thumbs up" to demonstrate how cool they are. But the movie is crap.


Yeah I agree. The movie didn't offend me or anything, but it was just weak. Your rationale for its reception is as good as any I can think of.


Gee, another American mind reader.
Surprise surprise.


Because it's a damn funny film and the people who reviewed it think so too. Some people don't like it that's fine, but a lot of people love it

Join the John Waters Myspace group


It's called "shills". There has obviously been a concerted effort on the part of the producers of this film to boost its public perception. Also,, the few juvenile retards who liked The Aristocrats also help by becoming robots in lock step devotion to its publicity in hopes that the slop keeps pouring into their bucket, as is evidenced by these boards.


Yes, RT, that MUST be it - a fiendish CONSPIRACY to boost the ratings of a 3-year-old cult film on a cult website. BRILLIANT. Who knows how far their insidious plan TRULY reaches? Next they'll be claiming that "Billy Madison" won a dozen Oscars, eh? Oh, the HUMANITY.....Thank Christ we have you, RT, obsessively patrolling the gates of Funny Town....

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?



Are you seriously trying to make me look like an idiot because I suggest a film does publicity for itself? If you want to call that a "conspiracy" I won't stop you.

And shouldn't your beef be with the OP? Or are you just going to obsessively follow me around on these boards accusing me of obsessively posting. I was unaware there was a quota on how many times you could post in disfavor of a movie on IMDB boards. At least I post opinions on the OP... until, or course, idiots like you beg me for a beating. Stay on target.


Aww, RT - you don't need a lick of help from me to look like an idiot. All I was saying was that it doesn't seem too likely that Paul Provenza & Penn Teller are lurking on the Rotten Tomatoes site, furtively trying to drive up "The Aristcrats" rating, almost FOUR YEARS after it's release.....but if you wanna think that that's the only possible explanation for the popularity of something you can't abide, then Knock Yourself Out.....

And, "Obsessively Follow You Around"? Ahh, Go ahead and flatter yerself. Christ knows no one else will. I was describing what a family-friendly, morally-upright film that "The Aristocrats" is to a friend, and wandered back here to see if anything had happened on these boards. Lo and Behold, you had come slithering back, obsessively attacking this movie and it's fans yet again. (Doesn't it occur to you that if I was "obsessiverly following you around", I wouldn't have waited for two weeks before responding to your horseflap? Nah, it probably wouldn't. Yer still just as arrogant, puffed-up and self-important as ever....)

Why ARE you trolling in here again? Did you get fired from your part-time job at the grocery store video section for insulting customer's selections? NO ONE appreciates your particular strain of genius, RT. BELIEVE that.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


I'm just here to warn people that this movie sucks. I thank you for keeping this thread alive


Why do you feel the need to let people know you think this movie sucks? Let them see it and decide for themselves. I for one happen to think it's very funny.


robvoelker -

Why do you feel the need to eliminate all opinions? This is an open board. It makes as much sense for me to say it sucks as it does for you to dissent and say it is good. I really don't understand why some people don't get this. Also, why are you taking this up with me, ask the OP, I didn't start this thread, I just agree with it.


You're missing my point...I'm not eliminating opinions, I'm saying people should see it themselves and form their own opinion. I'm taking this up with you because you're standing guard like a sentry shying people away from this movie. Instead of pushing your opinion off on them, let them make them up their own mind.


Well, robvoellker, that's the problem with RT - He's utterly convinced that anyone who disagrees with him HAS no "mind" - that you have to be a drooling Short Bus Jockey in order to enjoy "The Aristocrats".

RT has this weird, screeching, bug-eyed need to attack "Aristocrats" fans - he's (She's? IT'S?) got a SERIOUS hard-on for that movie - and not in the Good Way. More like the kind of hard-on Hitler had for the Jews...

He is, in fact, such a stereotypical foaming-at-the-mouth, narcissistic, censorous killjoy that at times I've wondered if he's not some sort of character created and maintained by Paul Provenza and Penn Jillette for the slow days when they get bored and go gallivanting around imdb - RT is the EXACT sort of humor-impaired dullard that "The Aristocrats" was designed to offend......

Either that, or he's a "guest" at a minimum-security mental health facility, where he is occasionally allowed Internet privileges. His "logic" has an odd way of warping and mutating, depending on how long he's been away from these boards. It's as if they're trying out different meds on him, and part of the Observation Regimen is watching the way he interacts with others online...In which case, I think the dosage still needs some fine-tuning.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Wow is RT still here frothing?

That is some stamina

"She has that winning mix of beauty and low self-esteem"


I think his craving to crap all over "The Aristocrats" and it's fans has some sort of religious significance to him....(He has stated elsewhere his contempt for "Liberals", "free thinkers", non-conformists, people who don't subscribe to his particular offshoot of Fundalooneyism, and he pretty much defines "Blasphemy" as the presumption to have an opinion inharmonious with his own, whether it's about "The Aristocrats", Steven Spielberg or anything else under the sun. He really stinks. On ice.)

I would wager real money that he's a closeted book-burner...."The Aristocrats" is his own little Crusade, his Jihad, part of the Admission Fee to The Great Theme Park In The Sky. (With Bonus Points for kicking the crutches out from under invalids, so that he can pat himself on the back for offering to help them back up. THAT kind of Divine Brown Noser.)

Notice the day he came back here to spew. Election Day. He 's just venting after he and the Republicans got their asses handed to them. He's probably telling himself that he's striking One More Blow for Decency and Moral Fortitude before the filthy degenerate Democrats swoop in and make "The Aristocrats" mandatory viewing for kindergartners, as Step One of the insidious Liberal Agenda to make everybody gay.

He's my favorite poster here. Like shooting fish in a barrel. And I really do suspect that he's either got serious self-esteem issues, or he's unstable - but not in the way that attracts sympathy and compassion, but in the way that makes you want to shove him in front of a crosstown bus, if for no other reason than to just shut him the hell up.

Hmm. Maybe that's why he disappears from time to time. He's convalescing from stompings that were laid on him when he insulted a total stranger's taste in film, music or literature, right to their face. He does seem dumb enough to start sh*t like that....

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Let's not miss the obvious. RT outs himself as a fool just by his premise.

He didn't think the movie was funny? Well, that's funny. 'The Aristocrats' is not just a popcorn flick. It's a documentary chronicling a piece of comedy history. The most respected players in the business came together to showcase a staple that has existed in their trade since the birth of The Tonight Show. If this clown can't acknowledge why that might be a little more significant than whether he chuckled in between farts and gulps of Pepsi, he's really not worth the time.


Yeah, RT's a piece of work. And he'll be back.....He just can't stay away. He might be some sort of masochist, on top of everything else he's got going on in that fizzing, foaming Froot Loop factory he calls a brain....C'est la Vie.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Snagg, does it occur to you that you spend more time attacking the people who hate this film than you spend defending it? Do you actually think anyone cares what you think of me, myself especially? No wonder you like this retarded fart joke of a movie.


As opposed to how you spend more time attacking people that like "The Aristocrats" than you spend critiquing it?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, RT. Why do you keep asking me if I think that anybody cares what I think of you? For the last time, I don't give two sh*ts about what anybody else might think of these little skirmishes between you and I. You're target practice to me, and nothing more. An exercise to warm up the rhetorical muscles before I work out on something actually worth caring about, like keeping Creationists out of public schools or defending works of fiction and music and art from narrow-minded blowholes that haven't had a sense of humor since their little incident with Father O'Reardon in the Paddle Room back in grade school.

Since you seem to obsess over keeping score on these things, you might want to stroll back through your own posts, and assess the size of your own fan club, as well as draw a comparison regarding the replies to the people that have stood up to your haughty, pompous horsesh*t....Go Ahead. It'll keep you out of our hair for a while.

Oh, and...Welcome Back. How were your holidays? Did you try to ruin anybody else's?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Snagg, There is no skirmish between you and I. You like this crappy film and prowl these boards attacking those who criticize it. What you seem to not understand is most people only read the OP. They sure as hell could care less what you think of the people who post. Your fantasy world of you and I dueling only belies what a sad sack you are. If anything you are helping me by keeping threads alive. Lucky for me you are too stupid to understand the way this works.





