Aspects of Toy Life
What are some aspects of toy life and culture that weren't touched up in the Toy Story trilogy that you might like to see explored in Toy Story 4? Here are some ideas I have:
- Fast-food/Cereal Box Toys. Maybe these toys are perceived as being poor and in a lower class in toy society.
- iPads. Would they be considered toys? If so, maybe they could touch upon how tablets are taking kids away from playing with real physical toys. The iPad could be the villain out to steal attention from Woody and the other toys' owner.
- Toy Factory. It could be like a maternity ward for toys.
- Toy Cars. Maybe the toys watch toy cars race as a form of entertainment. Maybe they even hold their own races.
- Broken/Misprinted Toys. We've seen Woody and Buzz lose their arms and Sid's mutant toys, but what happens to Toys that are severely disfigured or broken to the point of no repair?
- Stop-motion Animation Puppets. These figures would be like the movie stars of toy society. Maybe Woody gets to be the star of a stop-motion animated movie.