MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > Is this a flawless trilogy?

Is this a flawless trilogy?

Yeah I seen some movies in my time and normally I could find something wrong with even the greatest of films but I can't say there is a single flaw in the Toy Story films how about you guys?


Sure. While I'm not as crazy for TS1, I still think the trilogy deserves respect overall.

Iron Maiden is bigger than Jesus.


I personally find that the ending to Toy Story 3 makes me cringe. I understand that some people like it, but I guess it's just not for me.


If there is such a thing as a flawless trilogy then I think it's Toy Story. Its just very very hard to find any faults to it.


yu mean you cant find any faults to it except for part 3 right?


close to being it but isnt because of toy story 3


There are plenty of flaws. Mostly in the third entry. One or two in Toy Story 2. The original is near flawless.


Enlighten me. Maybe it has flaws that I haven't noticed or are opinionated but it's still a great film nonetheless. I think my only complaint I have now that I think about it was the absense of Bo-Peep.


Well the intro was just a upgrade of the intro to the original. This was unnecessary. The new characters were very dull except for Ken, Lotso's demise was a ripoff of Palpatine's in Return of the Jedi, Spanish Buzz was totally unnecessary and really unfunny, the incinerator scene was extremely predictable and no one ever thanks their toys. The last example was the most insulting part. It was a very saccharine movie.


I don't really see how Lotso's demise was a rip off Palapatine's death, it was more so a ripoff of Stinky Pete's demise in the second Toy Story movie; Stinky Pete and Lotso fight the protagonist toys on a large conveyer belt, where they are eventually disposed of by the protagonists and left to the care of owner with no care for them. In fact, their characters are even the same; plump, jolly toy with a cane, that turns out to be the main antagonist due to the traumatization of feeling unwanted. Furthermore, most of the movie was a rip-off Toy Story 2.


Damn, you have no heart. Just rewatched Toy Story 3, and I found it to be perfect. Especially considering it's a film mainly for kids.

"Macklin, you son of a bitch ..."


One of the biggest flaws in the 1st movie was probably also one of its best aspects: the graphics. It gave the toys, and a lot of the environment a very charming appearance. However, it also made the humans look kind of awkward and silly, and as for the dog? Well:

Come, lovely child! Oh come thou with me!
For many a game I will play with thee!


Considering it was the first fully 3D animated feature film, I think it did an exceptional job.


Oh it did an exceptional job. As I said, the graphics of the toys and the environment were very charming and it is also one of its strongest aspects. The humans however weren't that well made, and the dog was atrocious compared to everything else.

Come, lovely child! Oh come thou with me!
For many a game I will play with thee!


True about the humans, I mean Sid and Andy almost looked like twins at times.


I would saw so maybe the one bad part is the first movie there is not really a villain in it like the 2 sequels have.


So true, Sid is not really a villain he just likes to blow up toys, sounds like a great portion of the kids I grew up with.


Yep. It's pretty much flawless.

"Macklin, you son of a bitch ..."



Are there any other trilogies this consistent? I'd say that TDK trilogy comes close, but I know a lot of people (although not me) don't care for TDKR.

Obviously, we can't count Episodes IV to VI of the Star Wars trilogy, or the Iron Man and Captain America films, and even if we could count the latter, as wonderful as they are I don't think they're on the same level of brilliance as the Toy Story trilogy.
