Post the flaws of this movie
In my opinion, this is honestly the worst movie i have ever seen. I'm posting a few flaws here that just bugged the hell out of me and your welcome to do so too.
1) When the military people went into the camp, when something was going on, all the army people were facing the same direction. In a case as serious as this, you'd think that people would be looking different directions just in case. I mean, the area was no way clear and they all look in the same direction
2) The teasing of that one soldier (forgot his name) was very unrealistic. I'm not saying that people teasing each other or even hating one another is unrealistic, it's the point that they're in the ARMY. In these kinds of situations, no one should bring their fellow teamates down because everyone depends on each other. They could've got away with it, but the fact that no teasing was inforced was unrealistic
3) The part where the two army men are in the library and they see someone reading or at least hanging their head over a book (which was actually a zombie). One of them lowers their defenses because they say "zombies can't read." Which is true, but the things that annoyed me the most out of the stupidity was
-You don't ever, EVER lower your defenses in an uncontroled area, no matter what's the situation. It was just plain stupid to do that and i figure that's one of the first things they teach you about in training. For all he knew, it could've been a person who was infected and was on the verge of becoming a zombie
-A survivor would probably not be reading a book out in the open after a brutal zombie attack unless they had something stupid in their head. Don't you think they'd at least take the book into a room and lock the door or something?
And right after that part is when I turned off my TV (it was on Sci-Fi, but hey, they run tons of crap on there). I haven't seen this movie in a while, and don't plan to again. I do not think I am an army expert, it's just plain common sense. And please, read my whole post and write something smart if your gonna flame me for my opinions