MovieChat Forums > House of the Dead 2 (2006) Discussion > Post the flaws of this movie

Post the flaws of this movie

In my opinion, this is honestly the worst movie i have ever seen. I'm posting a few flaws here that just bugged the hell out of me and your welcome to do so too.

1) When the military people went into the camp, when something was going on, all the army people were facing the same direction. In a case as serious as this, you'd think that people would be looking different directions just in case. I mean, the area was no way clear and they all look in the same direction

2) The teasing of that one soldier (forgot his name) was very unrealistic. I'm not saying that people teasing each other or even hating one another is unrealistic, it's the point that they're in the ARMY. In these kinds of situations, no one should bring their fellow teamates down because everyone depends on each other. They could've got away with it, but the fact that no teasing was inforced was unrealistic

3) The part where the two army men are in the library and they see someone reading or at least hanging their head over a book (which was actually a zombie). One of them lowers their defenses because they say "zombies can't read." Which is true, but the things that annoyed me the most out of the stupidity was

-You don't ever, EVER lower your defenses in an uncontroled area, no matter what's the situation. It was just plain stupid to do that and i figure that's one of the first things they teach you about in training. For all he knew, it could've been a person who was infected and was on the verge of becoming a zombie

-A survivor would probably not be reading a book out in the open after a brutal zombie attack unless they had something stupid in their head. Don't you think they'd at least take the book into a room and lock the door or something?

And right after that part is when I turned off my TV (it was on Sci-Fi, but hey, they run tons of crap on there). I haven't seen this movie in a while, and don't plan to again. I do not think I am an army expert, it's just plain common sense. And please, read my whole post and write something smart if your gonna flame me for my opinions


The military people were idiots from the get go, when the first zombie jumps out, we have 3-4 of them scrambling for their weapons in shock and none of them being able to get a shot off. This is just ONE zombie, and a full team of "trained soldiers" were not able to even get a shot off, against some creature that walks VERY slowly and never even bothers to dodge anything.

The "zombies don't read" guy apparently didn't learn his lesson from the library incident either, since he lowers his weapons again later when he approaches a female zombie who he thought was a survivor again and gets killed. Granted that he didn't actually get killed by the female zombie but another one, he still only ran into TWO of them while having a shot gun full of bullets...

Honestly, a lone zombie or two of them should be easier to kill than a human, because the human will actually use weapons nearby and attempt to dodge your attacks (well he/she won't be dodging bullets, but will at least hide behind some obstacle while your shooting). Zombies just walk slowly right towards you.


Here's a major flaw- Jordan Casper was killed in the first one. She got ripped in half by the zombies in front of Rudy, who tried in vain to save her. *beep* Sci-FI channel.



And the errors with Casper were more than just her appearence in #2.

1) She was a COP in #1, not in the military. The military would not take her in after being cut in half (eyes rolling)

2) In #1, Casper was cut in half, her entire pelvis is missing. But in #2, she has stumps for legs.

3) She has a combat patch from the 82nd Airborne. The 82nd is an infantry division and women are prohibited from serving in infantry divisions.

While we're on the topic of the military errors.............

4) Why is a Sgt. Major in charge of a unit that includes at least 2 Lts.? He's enlisted, they're officers.

5) The keep calling them Special Forces, then talk about them being Marines. Pick a branch of service and stick with it.

6) The Sgt. Major says they were together in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq. That's big spread of years. If that were the case (and we know at least 2 members were on their first mission), then there is a problem........ those Lt's would have been thrown out of the service for not progressing in rank at the established rate.

7) If they were Special Forces (ie Army), there are no privates in the SF. At least 2 of those in the team were privates.

I won't even start on their lame-azz tactics.



Further more, even if Casper had managed to somehow survive, she would have died when Simon blew up the house to save the other survivors.

As far as all the mistakes listed by niteshift.. It's a Sci-Fi Channel feature, so what can you expect? They spend all the money on good actors, A.E. : Emmanuaelle Vaughier and Victoria Pratt in HotD2; Nicki Lynn Aycox, Michael Massee, Teri Hatcher, Daniel Dae Kim and Louis Gossett Jr in Momentum; Shiri Appleby, Richard Burgi, and John de Lanci in Darklight; Jon Savage in Alien Lockdown; and Chris Jericho and Scott Bairstow in Android Apocalypse. All of the actors in the movies are talented, unfortunately for them the people that wrote the scripts are rejects from Cleopatra 2525, yet another show that wasted it's talent. Nuff Said.



If Curien was killed off in this movie, that ruins its connection to the game series.


The flaw that grinded my nerves was how the zombies were disabled by a few shots to the chest. Come on, did the creators not watch any other zombie movies before doing this one?! I've seen zombies in other movies go through worse and still get back up.

That and the total lack of realistic military training in this movie. That one guy running right up to the zombie to shoot it was just plain stupid. He could have shot it from where he was standing, or he could have used his rifle butt as a club (which is what I would have done). About the only thing they got right with the soldiers was give them weapons that use the same caliber bullet (MP5, MP5K, M4). I've seen movies on that channel (Skeleton Man) where one guy has an M-16, another an AK-47, another a shotgun, another a MP5, etc, etc, etc. If they had done that in this movie, I would have sued SciFi for being so stupid.


"About the only thing they got right with the soldiers was give them weapons that use the same caliber bullet (MP5, MP5K, M4). I've seen movies on that channel (Skeleton Man) where one guy has an M-16, another an AK-47, another a shotgun, another a MP5, etc, etc, etc. If they had done that in this movie, I would have sued SciFi for being so stupid. "

Get your lawyer on the phone.

The MP-5 uses a 9mm parabellum (other pistol rounds in some cases). A M4 uses a .223 (5.56mm), which is a rifle round.


My bad for not being specific enough. What I meant was that their weapons had some similarity of ammunition (i.e, someone with an MP-5 could take ammo from someone with a MP-5k or vice-versa, and same with M4). I know that the M4 and the MP5 don't use the same ammo.

In Skeleton Man, nearly each soldier was armed with a different weapon and there was no similarity between any ammunition, something that would never happen with military units.


Something that bugs me: the soldiers all wear bullet-proof vests and have their sleeves rolled up.

Zombies don't use guns, they bite, and its usually on the arms. You'd think they would wear something to protect from bites.


Having sleeves rolled up while wearing body armor isn't unusual.

Based on every zombie movie I can think of, the sleeves aren't going to protect you from bites, so it's not like having them up makes you less protected. I don't recall seeing one bite through body armor. Doesn't mean they couldn't, but I don't recall seeing it. Body armor also protects about blunt weapons, fists/feet and some protection against stabbing.

Body armor is hot to wear. Your entire torso is getting ZERO air circulation and your heat and sweat is basicly trapped against you. Rolling your sleeves up, if they aren't protecting you from sun or blowing sand or something like that, is one way to at least try to lower your body temp a little.

Zombies also seem to bite necks a lot. Remember those collars the hunters wore in John Carpenter's Vampires? Those might help.


It's not that they wanted to stay cool while wearing armor, it's the fact that they're knowingly going into a battle with zombies and they don't think to wear something to stop their arms from getting bitten, yet they wear a cumbersome piece of equipment designed to stop bullets. I wasn't saying that their sleeves would stop bites, I was saying they're wearing the wrong gear entirely, and consequently, they all die.

Also, zombies don't use blunt weapons.

Also also, I'm just nitpicking a bad movie.


Well if you're going to talk about how zombies don't use blunt weapons, then let's get real technical............uniform sleeves aren't going to do jack-sh** for stopping zombie bites, so who really cares.


Ona Grauer didn't come back and take her top off!

"Shall we raise our shields, Captain?"
"At ease, Chekov. Again with the shields?"


Ona Grauer didn't come back and take her top off!

You hit that one on the head :)

I kept waiting for her to take her top off in the first one too. :(



I expected a really lousy movie and I have seen worse. I watch B-movies to waste my time but but ofcourse, I would not recommend this particular one to anyone and I agree with all your points. Kinda meaningless to complain about it though.

B-Movie makers tend to take details lightly and seldom check up straight facts before they start filming. If what you get is believeable characters, an actual plot with a few decent twists it's more than what can be expected.

The games did not have a major storyline, the first movie was made by Uwe Boll and he managed to make an even worse movie. Then they decided to make a sequel.
