Holy crap CHEESY!

Ok i just realized something remember in house of the dead 1, were that girl casper got her legs torn off by zombies, well SHES IN THE SECOND ONE! I looked it up and shes the same character, the colonel without anylegs. Thats so stupid and cheesy!

1. She got her legs ripped off, and DIED of blood loss.

2. They blew up the house at the end.

3. Apparently, she was "rescued" and became the colonel.

One word...CHEESY!


Ahh. I have so much to say about your comment. It's quite true. Unfortunately, if I say anything else about this movie all the trolls will come out of the woodwork and hunt me down.

Its a planet-destroying superlaser. How well does it need to be calibrated?


I think she was thrown in there just so they could have something to tie into the first movie (kind of like that flashback...which made no sense to me). But yeah, the movie is incredibly cheesy. I had fun watching it though. I wouldn't mind seeing a third one.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


They mention this on the DVD in the Commentary & have a bit of a laugh about it.

everybody's working for the weekend
