i was watching this movie on scifi and i heard them being referred to as marines. if they were marines then why would they be wearing ACUs? marines wear marpat not the army combat uniform. they would also have to be recon marines if they were special forces soldiers. i didnt watch hardly any of it because it was so horrible so i didnt know what the hell was going on, just saw that it was a zombie movie.
also, females are currently not allowed to enlist in any combat related jobs, so this movie is seriously flawed.
Actually, the uniforms were MARPAT, but they were SPECIAL FORCES. I thought the same thing, but I saw a picture of an ARMY captain wearing a MARPAT uniform in TIME MAGAZINE. I even saw the letters US ARMY scrawled along the guy's left chest.
would you give it a chance to even exist near you would be an easier question. however your spot on they were totally disorganised. straight out they have a fatality and what do they do? they carry on in the same half assed fashion. the other thing is that they didnt seem to have positions usually on an attack team, medic, sniper etc
Plus there would be no women of any rank in a U.S. Special Forces unit for any armed service! Army, Marine Recon, Navy Seals, Air Force special ops. etc, this just was so unrealistic for the movie. The ladies were in the script to add eye candy.
The Reason that there are women in the Unit is because there were females in the Colonial Infantry in Aliens. Now every military unit has to have females. /It was Colonial Infantry in Aliens wasn't it.
Its a Uwe Ball movie. Its mindless like most of his films. Also hollywood has a reputation for getting military inacurracies from small to huge. Mostly huge.
I've seen a LOAD of movies that have featured special forces units weather it be an action flick, a horror movie or what....and more often or not those special forces units feature a female in their ranks and yes, a few of those movies were big Hollywood blockbuster type flicks.
Because a low grade horror movie has it in, it gets shot down by "critics" who if a movie isn't mainstream they don't wanna know.
This was an enjoyable little movie, it had it's flaws but what movies don't? The best films in the world have flaws in them, no wonder low budget films never seem to do well when so many narrow minded people consider themselves critics and rip them to shreds.
Okay, first of all, "Special Forces", when referring to the US Military, refers to one group, the US Army Special Forces, aka Green Berets. Every body else is referred to as Special Operations. Problems in this movie:
No females in the Special Forces. No Sergeant Majors would comprise members of an A-team (sergeant major is an administrator's rank0), and even if they did, no way in hell would they give orders to a captain. No more than one commissioned officer, a captain, would be a member of the team; one Warrant Officer would act as executive officer. The lowest ranking member of the team would be a sergeant. Every member of the team would have a job; ie, commo, medical, weapons, engineering and demo, etc. Overweight people would never make it through the selection program.
All these problems could have been corrected in literally fifteen minutes of browsing on the internet - unprofessionalism, plain and simple.
They are Army Special Forces, but they are wearing Marine MARPAT desert camouflage.
This was a cheaply made zombie movie with no military advisor. Someone on the costume team probably just used all that was available or whatever they thought looked cool.