MovieChat Forums > House of the Dead 2 (2006) Discussion > SciFi Channel and bad movies

SciFi Channel and bad movies

Okay, I didn't see it. However, based on all the negative feedback I'm glad I didn't waste my time with it. Thanks peeps.
Alright, I'd like to say something. You know your science fiction network is screwed up when your primetime programming gets lower ratings with it's lowbudget "made for tv" B movies than TBS gets for it's airing of A quality SciFi movies that air at 2 in the morning.
WTF is wrong with SciFi Channel? Heck, FX channel is playing better scifi movies than SciFi is? Why is SciFi wasting it's time and money producing thrid, no wait, FOURTH rate garbage when it SHOULD be securing rights to show theater quality movies AND cult classic B grade movies?
COMMON SCIFI CHANNEL! GET WITH THE ****ING PROGRAM HERE! You spend a bit more money to show the good stuff and then you sell advertising time for a lot more so that you make back your investment. There's forty plus years of science fiction movies and tv out there and you blow money making your own C+ grade manure.
Maybe I'm wrong to use this forum to bash the whole network. Or maybe I just think all the science fiction fans with access to the SciFi Channel deserve better for their money. You know, it's sad really. There have been days where the only quality scifi tv I saw was 'ST DS9' or 'ST TNG' on Spike TV. I don't get it. The network dedicated to scifi shows crap and the networks that aren't dedicated show the good stuff.
Must be a sign of the end of days. (Looks out window and see demons surfboarding on the wave of fire sweeping across the Earth extinguishing all life as we know it.) HEY, I was right. Now where'd I put my snorkle?

Its a planet-destroying superlaser. How well does it need to be calibrated?


You're a loser. Shut up, sit back, and try to enjoy the movies and TV for all they are. There is nothing life threatening about bad movies, just forget them and move on. Maybe go see the beach?

"Pain? How dare you use that word?"-Pinhead


Well now here's the thing. I start a post, flaming about the SciFi Channel ADMITTEDLY, but I don't flame anyone in paticular. I flame "about" the SciFi Channel in hopes that maybe word will get around about what they are doing and maybe, just maybe, somebody there takes notice of just how crappy their network can be and of how they are doing things wrong.
I'm hoping (praying really) that the right person gets the message and makes the right changes for the betterment of the network. So maybe they start showing some better programming. Which in turn gets a positive response from their viewers, "That would be me, you, and all the millions of science fiction lovers out there", and increases their viewership. More viewers means better advertising dollars which of course means more money for the network executives. Bing, bang, boom. Everybody is happy.
Whereas YOU reply only to flame me by calling me a loser. I put my post here for a reason. If I sent an email stating my gripes directly to someone more important at the SciFi Channel itself it would have been shrugged off as a simple flame letter. Nobody else sees it and it was meaningless. IMDB is more of an important site on the internet than many others. Although the likelyhood of this post being seen by anyone important is slim it still has a better chance of being noticed and possibly shared with others, and hopefully getting to enough of the right people to get the ball rolling on some serious programming changes.
You obviously saw it. Don't be part of the problem. Share some positive, and hopefully constructive, ideas with others so that we change things for the better. Unless of course you want the same old substandard B movies shown over and over again when it was possible to show something far superior and more enjoyable.
Make your choice. Flame me for wanting something better for everyone or actually become part of the solution for a change.

Its a planet-destroying superlaser. How well does it need to be calibrated?


I'm more into the flaming of you, for 2 reasons.

1. People bitching on an internet message board, no matter how big, is just lame and won't change anything.
2. I like almost all the *beep* SciFi Channel movies. They entertain me without having to think about anything(which is what movies should be).

"Pain? How dare you use that word?"-Pinhead


Alright troll. Whatever. Continue the flames. I'll continue not to like you.

Its a planet-destroying superlaser. How well does it need to be calibrated?


I can't flame you and still be your buddy? Sounds like you have the problem, not me.

"Pain? How dare you use that word?"-Pinhead


The Sci-fi channel has a good plan in buying the rights to these lower-budgeted movies.They are almost always rating winners no matter whether you have a winner like Dog Soldiers or tripe like Mansquito or Dinocroc.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.


At least it was better than the theatrical release!


I agree that I would love to see some really good sci-fi movies on the sci-fi channel. My friend actually say's that he just watches the channel to see some really cheep sci-fi movies to laugh at. However, I watched House of the dead on there and such, and I actually enjoyed these movies they were showing. I just rented house of the dead II and although it had nothing to do with a house or anything, I was still entertained. You shouldn't flame someone for their honest opinions though.


The channel is a lost cause. It runs infomercials from late evening into mid morning. And when it runs regular programminmg, consisting mostly of endless BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and STARGATE and NIGHT STALKER reruns, it interrupts them with more commercials than any three other channels stitched together. To make matters even worse, the "original" programming consists of tepid ghost hunting docudramas that are done better on The Travel Channel, and a seemingly endless string of made-for-TV monster movies heavy on bad CGI and bad acting that all share the same plot and are impossible to sit through. CHUPACABRA, anyone? Obviously, the station has no budget. HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2 is part of a new trend on the channel, to offer up made-for-TV sequels to theatrical releases. It started with not one but two unwatchable sequels to the RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD series.



I totally agree with the thread starter. I can't even stand to watch half the movies they show, because they're so bad. The only times I watch the channel is for the Twilight Zone at 1am (haha), or if they (occasionally) show a good movie during the day. They almost never show a good movie during prime-time. It's mostly c-grade stuff, like the threadstarter said. I wish they would get their act together, because I've been griping about this for a long time. They're a channel on cable television for christs sake.


Well, it's been six years and I'm back. Lets see where I stand now.

My original opinion still stands, although I concede defeat to the cause. pickle45013 is right- there is nothing life threatening about bad movies. They are just so disappointing that it hurts. If you are entertained by bad movies then good for you. As long as you get some entertainment value then that's perfectly fine. If you get no entertainment value whatsoever then you likely already agree with me.
If you think that people bitching on an internet message board, no matter how big, is just lame and won't change anything you can express your opinion to such without being an a-hole about it. Anyone can say that I'm a loser, I'm lame or any other insult that can be said, but the one thing that would hurt me the most would have been for no one to have responded to my post at all. When I want something better for everyone and no one at all cares then I know I've lost and nothing can be done.
For the record: no you can't flame me and be my buddy. I was born before this era and I don't swing that way.

Okay then. We've all had six years to see how much the Sy/Fy Channel has changed and we can see that despite all that has changed the channel really hasn't changed. My cause is lost and similar efforts can never succeed. Lesson learned. I won't try this again.
Have a nice day . . . or don't. I don't really care.

Its a planet-destroying superlaser. How well does it need to be calibrated?
