MovieChat Forums > The Giver (2014) Discussion > Don't understand how a progressive like ...

Don't understand how a progressive like Bridges

was so insistent upon making a movie that showed why classical liberals (conservatives) were right - I thought he was a statist (the same as most democrats of the last century.) The Giver is a perfectly spun story about why government involvement is what a free people don't need. Makes me wonder why an outspoken precautionist like he would push for a project like this?

"I do not like mixing up moralities and mathematics."


This reads like a mad lib.


Wow... is this the limitations of your world view? The utterly fixed, narrow view point & terminology of some limited ideology? Maybe if you see beyond those terminology... you might actually understand... including better contexts of "government" & "free people".


This is the liberal utopia that they want. It's ridiculous.


You are ridiculous. The author of the book was showing the result of religion and conservative control on society. A liberal society wants quality care for the elderly and impoverished children.


And how's that working for you?!


It's getting better.


You're delusional. In the movie, there was no religion, they eliminated it.


The society itself represented religion. It's symbolic.


How did it represent religion?



Every organized group with an ideology, basically any society/community is a religion. Therefore utopia for brightwhitehorses is a non societal, non communal chaotic existence.


Conservatism is very closely related to libertarianism. What the republicans have become over the past 10-20 years is not conservatism. Socialism, communism, fascism, and any others require an all powerful government that dictates various aspects of your life. It's not the conservatives that say you must buy health insurance or get fined/taxes or whatever they call it. It changes depending on who they are talking to. This was the exact liberal utopia. Everyone was the same. The govt told them what job they are assigned. Every house was the same and was assigned. It looked like govt housing. Conservatives believe in individual liberties and rights. People can speak, own, and do whatever they want as long as they aren't harming someone else.

The only time Democrats won't use children as a prop is at a Pro-Choice Rally. -Greg Gutfield


Conservatives believe in individual liberties and rights. People can speak, own, and do whatever they want as long as they aren't harming someone else.

Except if you're gay, then you can't get married.


Gays can get married. Marriage is a man and woman. A gay may can marry a woman if he wants to. That is what marriage is. Marriage pre-dates the US.

My view is that all governments should stay out of marriage completely. There is no real need to have the govt in marriage. They only do it because it suits their needs in taking more tax money at times. That is why they invented common law marriage. You will never hear the IRS say you are common-law married, so you overpaid in taxes.

I do believe if someone doesn't want to be part of a gay wedding, you shouldn't be allowed to force them to come. But that is the left who will destroy a business because they don't want to go to the wedding. It's not like these bakers refused to sell some cookies or something to a gay person. They refused to do a wedding cake which requires you to be part of the wedding by being there to build the cake, etc.

The only time Democrats won't use children as a prop is at a Pro-Choice Rally. -Greg Gutfield



Yes it is.


Pretty twisted comment from the OP. Perhaps EOVAL's mind hasn't grown yet. Pity.

Enrique Sanchez


I believe it's because it provided a paycheck. That tends to suppress a lot of Hollywood moral leanings.

Remember, these are the people who will scream about gun control and then solve every problem in every movie they make with a gun.
