HOLYWOOD! Get a grip
My first impression is that it sucks... my second impression... it sucks, big time. Why am so hard on it. Another Hunger Games, Divergent, boring piece of Hollywood bs. They can't come up with anything original. So they do the same thing over and over and over, trying to get a different answer. Borderline, insanity. That's what I call it. Merle Streep, Jeff Bridges, too old to find a real film that does their acting skill justice. I like them, but not in this movie. I couldn't get past the whole black and white, sort of like "Pleasantville". If it were supposed to be a comedy, I would have laughed my head off. If you liked it, please, re-evaluate your life goals. This is just another knock-off of an original, that only one, should have been made.
Sorry to be so negative, but I can't take it.