Can't Believe People are Arguing FOR the Totalitarian Society...
Books like this one, Brave New World, This Perfect Day, 1984, Fahrenheit 451, use the dystopian society as a parable (often) for totalitarian regimes like the Nazis, where oneness and sameness is pronounced over everything else.
I simply cannot believe that ANYONE is arguing that it was better in these books to be without books/ideas, to be without emotion, to be without the very essence that makes humanity what it is. Yes, the same thing in us that causes us to want to explore and succeed may also cause wars, but this is the price we pay for free will. I'm sorry but I can't accept any dystopian/utopian world where feelings are removed, where there is no love, light, beauty, dancing, music, sex, art, creativity. It makes me sad, to think of a world without those things, and I would much rather have those even if it means a world with war, crime, drug addicts, bad politicians and evil corporations.
I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.