MovieChat Forums > The Giver (2014) Discussion > Leave it to morons to bring politics int...

Leave it to morons to bring politics into a message board for a movie

Trying too talk down about one political party while acting like theirs isn't run by scumbags. Americans are half blind. They can't see what's wrong with their own party, while criticizing the other. Open your eyes your party is just as bad. You act like you know what's going on cause you were channel surfing and listened too the news for ten minutes give me a break. Fix yourself before trying to fix others. Also go too yahoo if you wanna talk politics with idiots on a message board.


What ever are you talking about?


This board seems to have an uncommon amount of political trolls raving on about their hallucinations about governments.


It's not really that surprising, given that you can read a certain amount of politics in this movie. That's true of a lot of movies featuring a dystopian movie. I think the real trouble is that a lot of people will say, "Oh, this movie must anger x because of y," and not really go into any depth as to why they think that.


Too bad online news stories don't have a tab to turn off comments. Any news story worth reading has trolls spouting utter rubbish at each other. That goes for IMDB Boards as well.

PS. These boards do have an ignore tab and I make regular use of it.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


"These boards do have an ignore tab and I make regular use of it."

I never use the ignore buttons on message boards. I know how to do that without a button. As for comments sections, just ignore them, too. You don't need a special tab to turn it off, just don't scroll down to the comments.



PS. These boards do have an ignore tab and I make regular use of it.
Awwwwww. Poor widdle sausage!! Wouldn't want somefing you weed to hurt your widdle feewings!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I can understand this rant if in reply to what you're complaining about, but to start a new thread on the topic seems to be doing exactly what you're arguing against. Hollywood really does often have a liberal slant because it is part of the conscience of the nation. But there are exceptions, so you should seek out the movies you like and ignore the rest just like everyone else. You certainly won't change any minds by walking into a room and pooping on the rug.


Idiocracy is already here.


Seems what we have here is a moronic post written by a moron ----- probably best for you not to think to broadly----


The OP was the first person I saw here bringing politics to this message board. Ironic.
