There are several movies that have the same cold hospital environment where they euthanize babies or people for evil reasons. (The Island) (Soldier) The part that bothers me SO much is that they make the process painful on top of it all!
If they removed the pain form those being murdered, we would not see how unaffected by emotion the others are. It's part of conveying the point of the film(s).
How can you expect your life to change if you don't change?
True, while it does help convey that area of the films, it also seems counter intuitive for me. If the society was trying to hide the fact that these deaths are bad in any way, it seems a painless way of termination would be more in line with the way they indoctrinate the deaths.
They as a society feel no pain or empathy for the pain of the babies they kill or the rebels that they 'lose' . All memory of emotions good and bad has been erased from their consciousness. They cannot conceive of the idea that what they are doing is bad.
They take those daily injections to keep them calm.
It's the most upsetting part of the movie. But I think it is one of the scenes that save the movie. I mean I rarely see a so violent moment that contrasts with the "everyone is kind" atmosphere. The behaviour of the "executor" is so paradoxal, I think it's a major point of the movie making it a bit different than other teenagers movie.