MovieChat Forums > Just Friends (2005) Discussion > SHE WOULD have REJECTED HIM if he was FA...

SHE WOULD have REJECTED HIM if he was FAT...

She would have said, "No, I don't want to go out with you... You're a good friend though!" if he was still fat, and asked her out.
She circuitously rejected him at the party in the beginning by emphasising his position, as a 'friend'.

She still would have rejected him at the end of the movie, if he was fat.



Yes, I agree, but there is nothing wrong with that. She just doesn't like fat people. That's all. If she was fat, he will not like her in the first place.


yeah but to me I think he should have saw that and just left and got with someone else who didn't reject him from just looking at him.


Correct. But what's the point? The film as much as said that when it had her mouth "oh my god" when she looked over and saw him.


obviously but she also rejected him when he was good looking but with a bad attitude so i dont see the point.

Evil must be punished. Even in the face of armageddon I will not compromise in this.


hmmmmm have to disagree on some level. chris's friend said that jamie had matured since high school, she wasn't digging the new chris because he was a jerk. when his old side started coming out she was more into him.

when you get older, the outer apperance doesn't matter as much as it did back in high school. i'm 24 and i dated the extremely good looking guy but got treated like crap, then i saw my high school friend who's a good looking guy but not like my ex's. but the point being no guy has ever treated me so well and he's a wonderful person that i love to be around and to be with. looks do help but they also fade throughout time, what matters is what is on the inside. riendID=48748285



well i can say with serious confidence that itd1293 has no idea what they are talking about and is some 12 year old kid still thinking ur not cool until you lose ur virginity lol.

looks do fade and arent as important when you get older. Its only dumb kids who are so horny they cant see straight that want the perfect 10 chick (or nothing at all).

Anyone who says you have to be smoking crack to agree obviously is some dumb kid who has A)never smoked crack or knows anything about it and B)knows nothing about relationships and is some kid so he thinks he does lol



He wouldn't have been in love with her in the first place if SHE were fat. He would have lusted after another girl he couldn't have.


i know a guy who really loved a girl and she was really over weight, but she was really comfortable with herself and confident
She was bubbly,sweet and kind and he totally fell for her
He was really good looking, but she didn't like his personality so it didn't happen, but she met another guy who was even more good looking and treated her how she deserved to be treated

In this case the movie its just a movie, but sometimes in real life some people just don't find big people attractive, but true beauty lives within and in the movie you can see she didn't like Chris as he'd changed i think she expected the old chris, she didn't like him until she saw how he used to be and then she began to like him
she rejected him when he was slim because he was a jerk
She matured and wanted a serious relationship as she's been there she had all the cute guys in school and all the attention
She realized Chris changed and wanted a nice guy not mr good looking coz she saw herself getting married and having children so you could tell she wasn't after him for looks she wanted to settle down and as she remembered Chris being a really nice guy she thought of him differently

She only liked Dusty because he was nice, but Dusty was slim wasn't he and she still only saw him as a friend didn't she
He changed alot from his high school days, but she only saw him as a friend
So i don't think she fell for Chris because he lost weight
She was probably in shock when she saw him as she was still studying and he had a job
Even i feel the odd one out from my friends as some have graduated uni so young and i am still in between courses lol
But who knows maybe the weight helped, but if you think about it
It didn't really help all that much

In some cases this happens its got nothing to do with weight in school this guy who was slim, nobody fancied him then after years all my friends kept going on about this guy and then we later realized it was the guy from our school




Yeah she was shallow.. but damn she's hot.
... yeah :)

"Hey, can we get a move on? If I miss that 20 midget free-for-all I'm gonna be super pissed!"-Hyde



Him being fat was why she rejected him in the first place.

No. The reason she rejected him in the first place is the asexual, weak way he acted around her. He pretty much emasculated himself, metaphorically speaking, and behaved himself into a corner by showing insecurity and affective cowardice until it was too late and she would see nothing sexual in him. He'd be like a female friend. After all, how can she suspect he actually wants more, if he never actually showed he wanted more? It's his fault, not hers, and it's the fault of his behavior, not his looks.

The movie goes all Hollywood fake in other aspects, but this I thought was well shown and pretty accurate to real life.

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Isn't it normal and natural to reject people you genuinely don't find attractive? And I'm not talking just about being (seriously) overweight, but in general.

People find different attributes attractive, whether physical traits or personality traits.

If a guy genuinely prefers the combination of dark hair with blue eyes over brown hair with green eyes, does that make him shallow?

If a girl prefers a man who's naturally big (broad shoulders, big arms and hands) over a slender guy who's naturally very lean, is she being shallow?

Friendships and romances require different parts of your brain to be stimulated, you can't just assign the same criteria for both types of relationships.

Jamie would have been shallow if she rejected Chris as a friend for no other reason than him being fat, or if she dated other guys as fat as him but who had money or fame.

But no, she's not shallow if she doesn't date a type of men she doesn't physically find attractive, she's just being honest.


No it doesn't make people shallow. But the dating pool will be more limited. Then take into consideration how their personality would be. There's nothing wrong with having a prefrence, but as corny as it sounds at the end of the day it becomes about more than just physical appearance.

I think shallow is when you only date your type no matter the circumstances and no matter how *beep* they may be only bc it's what you prefer. So you're miserable but you're like "*beep* it, look at him/her" its also crazy. Lol

From what I remember she rejected Dusty and a whole bunch of other guys too. And Chris well he was so... idk the word, he seemed just like he friend zoned himself since hs. And he was almost like "just one of the girls" and that's a huge turn off any given day. Besides there's a huge difference between 18 and 28. At least I hope so!

Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.



I don't think I would be able to get over it if someone rejected me because they thought I was too fat and then wanted me after I got fit. I bet this is a problem for a lot of people who lose weight. I understand that the heart wants certain things and you're more likely to fall in love with a good looking person but I wouldn't be able to get over it.

And wasn't amy smart's character just habitually leading guys on? It seemed like she really liked the ambulance guy, but then she said that she didn't feel that way about him... Oh well, I guess he was a jerk anyway.

Overall I thought Ryan Reynolds was romantic in this movie, and even though anna faris was a psycho I liked her better than amy smart. And I don't really like movies that involve someone who makes terrible decision and has bad things happen to them again and again throughout the film... I barely made it through this one. It was funny but to me it wasn't a very good movie. I couldn't get over all the dumb decisions Reynolds made, or the fact that Smart had rejected him for his looks and yet he still wanted her.


Like another poster has pointed out - he probably wouldn't have been obsessed with her had the tables been turned and she was fat.

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Sadly, it's pretty accurate to say as a general rule we become romantically interested in people we are physically attracted initially. If there is no initial physical attraction, but there is nothing repulsive about the personality, we tend to group those people into friends. However if someone finds your personality so attractive it overcomes their initial lack of physical interest, they can develop romantic feelings for you. I should note these tend to be the strongest relationships since they love you for who you are, not what you look like.
