What the hell MTV?!
This was on MTV today and they were at the part where Chris was talking to Jamie about going to see the Notebook and Chris's brother goes "Dude the notebook is so gay" But only they deleted out Gay, as it were a bad word.
And I'm just thinking really MTV? After all that garbage you have on your network that's called Jersey shore and you can't let them have a joke where someone calls a movie gay? But yet on Jersey Shore they will let them say the word Bitch over and over again. And every other word is the bleeped F word? Plus it promotes drinking and going out and screwing every night. That's fine, for your so called network, but not letting them say a joke? When did the world become so goddamn PC over a word? I mean a movie has no feelings if you call it gay. Its not gonna kill itself over that cause they are ashamed! This is the same thing that happen with that movie with Vince Vaughn, where he called a car gay in a trailer and it was taken out cause it was deemed offensive.
"Everybody's Gotta Have A Dream" - DJay From Hustle & Flow