What is that trick?

How does he dope the urine test using that thing? You know, the one he reluctantly stuffs down his...yeah, that thing. Exactly how does that work? How would that betray the test? Cheers

You don't spin a menorah.


I think he was using the turkey baster to pump clean urine into himself, but God knows how he held it in after he squirted it up there. I would've figured it would leak right out.

A list of every movie I've seen:


why would it leak right back out? it's not like urine normally just flows out all the time :p though he looked pretty urgent when he was queuing to give the sample.

but yeah, he just shut down his kidneys by drinking a load of vinegar so he stopped producing his own urine, then pumped clean urine back up his urethra - so the test won't show he smoked drugs the night before.


You would be able to hold it in. To treat bladder cancer a foley catheter is inserted into the patient's bladder then a treatment solution is injected via syringe into the patient's bladder. The patient is instructed to hold it in for at least 2 hours, and no more than 4. After the patient holds it in they are instructed to just pee it out. Most times it works flawlessly, but sometimes the patient experiences incontinence.


Please don't insult me if this seems like a dumb question
but uh when you say clean urine does that mean his own
or someone elses?!

Cause I just thought you know if he peed again
(after "clearing his system' I'm guessing)
and then injected himself with it later?, the same traces of drugs would still be in there.

Or does he store his pee somewhere (like in 'American Beauty'...)
Perhaps he mentioned doing this?


He did not pass the urine test - traces were still found, as was stated in the small conference between Jim and the three Federal agents.


Originally, he passed it. It wasn't until after his lie-detector test that they went back and re-examined his urine, and found traces below the positive threshold. They performed a more exhaustive test the second time around.

Reality has a well-known liberal bias - Colbert


he was drinking vinegar to shut down his kidneys, and probably injected vinegar into himself, to further dilute his urine.

if it had for probation or a job interview, it would have worked.

quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur



Exactly, thank you delicious , at least someone pays attention and is smart.


I've heard to this, but I believe to get the clean urine into his bladder, he would need a catheter(tube), and it would need to go a ways up his urinary tract.

I did a google search and found this-

"for a male you can use a turkey baster type tool filled with the donor specimen. place the end firmly against mr johnson so that it surounds the ureatha (the hole) and gently squeeze holding the bulb erect so you get no air . this should be done after evacuating your own supply and as close to the test time as possible."

Sounds iffy, but maybe it works.


Very interesting. I've never heard about this technique before, but was curious about it after seeing this flm, also. Thanks for the explanation.
