How do you NOT hang up a phone?
Seriously, I just saw this film today for the first time ever, and as soon as I saw him finish his message, I was wondering why he didn't ever hang up the phone. At first I thought it was a goof, or maybe I didn't catch his thumb hit the end button. Then when he wanted to play the message back, I instantly knew that was intentionally written into the movie.
My question is, how do you not hang up a phone? I don't even see that as being reasonably possible. The one, one time I accidentally didn't hang up my phone was when I was on speaker, and I had my flip phone open. Normally I close my phone to hang it up, but when on speaker you remain connected. At least I had intent to hang it up, though.
I know it was written in for the sake of the later scene, but I just don't see how this is fathomable lol.