MovieChat Forums > Harsh Times (2006) Discussion > How do you NOT hang up a phone?

How do you NOT hang up a phone?

Seriously, I just saw this film today for the first time ever, and as soon as I saw him finish his message, I was wondering why he didn't ever hang up the phone. At first I thought it was a goof, or maybe I didn't catch his thumb hit the end button. Then when he wanted to play the message back, I instantly knew that was intentionally written into the movie.

My question is, how do you not hang up a phone? I don't even see that as being reasonably possible. The one, one time I accidentally didn't hang up my phone was when I was on speaker, and I had my flip phone open. Normally I close my phone to hang it up, but when on speaker you remain connected. At least I had intent to hang it up, though.

I know it was written in for the sake of the later scene, but I just don't see how this is fathomable lol.


Yeah, it did seem contrived and scripted just for this movie, but still, it kind of helped underscore how both these guys made bad decisions and did careless things in their day-to-day lives - things that later came back to bite them in the butt.


Certainly. It just seemed unnatural the second that I saw it, is all. I mean just remember, I hadn't seen the movie before. There was nothing to look for on my end. This thing just stuck out like a sore thumb. It just seemed wrong.

It was like when I saw The Departed, and Delahunt said the wrong address to DiCaprio. I caught on with the number switch, but didn't say a thing until I realized that it was on purpose.



They were faded on beer and chronic.


Have you ever been stoned. that might explain it.


I love making excuses about movies I like but I totally agree with the OP. I guess the writers were too lazy just take some time to think of another way how she'd find out he was lying.

I said God Damn! God Damn...


Blame the Pusher Man. The Pusher is a monster.


i thought it was good, they were smoking and drinking and they had been showing a reckless behavior up to that point


I thought the guy might have done it intentionally. I know he was their "boy" and all but he kept saying how cruel it was playing his girl like that. It might not have been 100 percent intentional, but not totally unintentional either.

Anyway, loved this movie. Way better than Training Day.


Wait...I have to go watch it again, but wasn't it a cheap portable phone? The kind you charge on a cradle and push a button to hang up? He might have thought he hit the button and didn't...considering they were all *beep* up and all...people have been known to do lots more absent minded things when they're tuned up.
