Good movie, but...

Christian Bale's character seemed a little too clean-cut to have been from east L.A. his whole life. He should have had more scars, tattoos, etc.

It also would have helped if Bale's character had a relative in the film (like a parent or sister) just to make it more believable that he was from that area.

Still, I'd give it an 8/10.


He was a honorably discharged vet. He couldn't be in the military with excessive tatts that's a thing of the past.
Tattoo regulations are stricter (neck, hands, no bigger than hand, no gangs tatts ) than ever. Anything that would keep them from bonding as a cohesive unit is out.

Military training ingrains that(clean cut appearance and rigid rules) in their soldiers if you ever noticed vets who are protesting always have beards and long hair (their way of rebelling against military) and vets who made military their life continue to be clean to a fault?!

Conceive Deceive or Leave




He'd just gotten out of the army


I guess I wonder how many white guys are from East LA and are "integrated" into the community the way he was. I would think even if you could speak fluent Spanish, being a white guy would be kind of a problem. Always an outsider and never quite a "homie".

I would also assume you'd never go back to East LA, either, after being in the Army.


There are white guys who are part of Hispanic gangs and in the LA County jail system, Hispanics and whites frequently mingle together. So it's totally believable Jim could be part of that culture. Also, you say you would assume no one would ever go back to East LA after the Army. If you're born and raised in East LA, or anywhere for that matter, you're very comfortable and familiar with it and it feels like home. Even if it's not the best area, many people find it difficult to leave the place they grew up in because they are so comfortable being there.
