Robin Hood question
In the episode titled "Robin Hood" (S04E05), after the first heist in which $500,000 of Krugerrands were stolen, Granger tells Sinclair and Reeves that four banks each received $125,000 worth of the coins, with instructions that each bank donate the money to a different charity. Immediately after this scene, a diagram is shown displaying the charities that received the donations from the banks. However, a date is shown beside each donation: 2-15, 4-27, 6-21, and 10-30. The heist *just* occured, and yet somehow these donations took place over a period of eight and a half months? The timeline might make sense in a real-world setting, but in television shows very little time passes between a crime and a collar, so there's no way that much time could have passed, especially this early in the episode. There's also no way the bank was broken into on four separate occasions, based on the damage to the vault on this first heist.
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