please save us
from the mad mathematician...every episode is loaded with hokum chalkboard formulas purported to be some form of math resulting in algorithms to solve every situation in life ...its not even good schoolboy stuff...there are tons of good math applications in building design and construction, banking, marketing, and business models...some statistics might aid in crime fighting, policy making or budgeting but few are applied to everyday crimes...oh yeah, the alleged math genius can't spell...he's just another obsessive compulsive with no impetus to be a real person...and every time he explains something i go into a zone out configuration...oh, then they add dr mildred finch who spews more crap in few seconds than the rest of the cast in 40 minutes...been everywhere and done everything smartass...ugh...don eppes is clearly the zombie in this series...he can't commit to a woman...oops, is he secretly in love with sinclair or reeves....seriously he's a schmuk...and charles is a putz....seriously he can only cook waffles and handles criticism poorly