The "Work" Of Dr Charles Eppes For The FBI !!!
There is a serious philosophical problem with the criminological work that Dr Charles Eppes is portrayed performing for the FBI on N3.
In every episode of N3, Dr Eppes is shown to produce Mathematical and Scientific formulas and algorithms that can explain and even predict the behavior of the criminal in question. Taken to its logical extreme, this implies that Dr Eppes, episode after episode, proves that there is no such a thing as Free Will neither in the criminal nor in the average man on the street. Dr Eppes' work on N3 seems to imply that Free Will is just an imaginary construct of the human psyche, that while a person, criminal or otherwise, might BELIEVE that he has the Free Will to act as he chooses, Dr Eppes can produce a formula or an algorithm that can explain or even predict his behavior in terms of rationally understandable laws of Science and Mathematics, laws that are functioning perhaps below the consciousness of the individual person, but yet nonetheless override any such "imaginary" conscious notion as Free Will.
Is this what Charlie Eppes is telling us episode after episode for six seasons on N3, that the criminal, and by extension all of us, are merely the puppets of the laws of Science & the laws of Mathematics? That whatever human behavior that Mathematics and Science have not yet been able to explain are nonetheless the products of Mathematical and Scientific laws yet to be discovered? That there is no such a thing as Free Will, neither in the criminal nor in you and I?
I realize that such a heavy argument is way out of proportion with the reality of evaluating a mere TV show, a mere fictional figment of some screenwriter's imagination. But even at that level, what does it tell us about the "Mathematical" and "Scientific" "work" portrayed by Dr Eppes and his college professor pals for the FBI on N3? To me, it tells me that all the seemingly successfully "work" that Dr Eppes and his college professor pals do for the FBI on N3 is just is just a lot of FICTIONAL BULL *beep* because I, speaking as just one person, certainly do believe that I have Free Will and that I am not a mere puppet of the laws of Mathematics and Science. I agree that it is FICTIONAL BULL *beep* that I find very interesting and vey entertaining as well, but it is definitely FICTIONAL BULL *beep* nonetheless !!